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Archaeologists pose near the St Peter’s inscription found on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel, which could finally prove a number of things about the first apostle of Jesus. Source: El Araj Excavation Project

Ancient Greek Inscription in Mosaic Reveals Birthplace of Apostle Saint Peter!

Saint Peter, one of Jesus Christ’s 12 Apostles and the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church is a crucial figure whose name appears throughout Christian theology. His birthplace has been a long...
A depiction of Peter using his sword to strike Malchus (circa 1520, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon).

Is the Sword of St. Peter in Poland The Real Deal?

The Sword of St. Peter is an artifact believed to have once been in the possession of St. Peter, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. Bible stories say the right ear of one of the high priest’...
Excavation site at what is believed to be the lost Roman city of Julias, home of three apostles of Jesus.

Archaeologists Zero in on Lost City and Perhaps the House of Three Apostles of Jesus

Archaeologists have announced the unearthing of strong evidence of the location of the lost Roman city of Julias; home of three apostles of Jesus: Peter, Andrew and Philip. The lost city believed to...
Detail, The Conversion of St. Paul. Paul and companions are knocked to the ground during the profound event.

Ancient Signs in the Sky: Did a Meteorite Change the Course of Christianity 2,000 Years Ago?

Did an ancient meteor have such a life-changing impact on witnesses of the day that it shaped a religion and altered the course of history? Astronomers theorize that the dramatic flash and boom that...
Ancient relic found containing ashes from the grave of John the Apostle

Ancient relic found containing ashes from the grave of John the Apostle

Excavations at a medieval port and fortress in Bulgaria have led archaeologists to discover several artifacts of significance. A lead vessel containing ashes from the alleged grave of John the...