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ancient city

Aerial photograph depicting the city wall casements of Khirbet Qeiyafa. Source: Yosef Garfinkel

Five Fortified Ancient Cities May Be Part of King David's Lost Kingdom

The ruins of five fortified cities outside of Jerusalem were allegedly part of the empire of King David, is the controversial claim of an Israeli archaeologist. In a new story, the archaeologist...
Lost City Revealed: The Mysteries of Nan Madol Uncovered (Video)

Lost City Revealed: The Mysteries of Nan Madol Uncovered (Video)

Step into the past and uncover the mysteries of Micronesia’s Nan Madol , one of the most ancient and enigmatic lost cities in the world. Built over 800 years ago from massive basalt rocks, this lost...
Aerial view of Sigiriya, Lion Rock, Sri Lanka. Source: Anton Petrus / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient Rock City of Sigiriya: Fit for a King and Built by the Gods

Rising majestically 650 feet (200m) above the Sri Lankan landscape, Sigiriya is an ancient city built on a megalithic rock that has puzzled visitors for centuries. This remote wonder, located in the...
The residential city just unearthed near Luxor Temple: Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Complete Ancient Roman-Era City Discovered Near Luxor Temple in Egypt

Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered a complete Roman-era residential city near Luxor Temple, including houses, bathrooms, and workshops dating back 1,800 years. The residential area is an...
Aerial view of the Shuanghuaishu site in central China's Henan Province.        Source: Li An/Xinhua/SCIO

Discovery of Ancient Chinese City Rewrites History

In China, an ancient city has been brought to light that could transform our understanding of the origin of civilization in the region. Experts believe the ruined urban settlement in Zhengzhou dates...
Khmer Empire city found north of Angkor Wat. Here, Ta Prom Khmer ancient Buddhist temple in jungle forest

Lost City of Khmer Empire Finally Found in Cambodia!

Ancient Cambodia’s Mahendraparvata , one of the first Angkorian capital cities of the 9th to 15th century Khmer Empire, has finally been located to the northeast of Angkor Wat in Cambodia...
The huge settlement from the Neolithic period that was discovered in the archaeological excavations at the Motza intersection near Jerusalem. Source: Eyal Marco / Israel Antiquities Authority

9,000 Year-old ‘Mega Site’ Found Near Jerusalem Changes History

The Israel Antiquities Authority has announced a discovery that could change the history of the Middle East . Archaeologists have unearthed a highly developed site that is approximately 9000 years...
A researcher excavating an adult skeleton at the Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk in Turkey.          Source: Scott Haddow / Ohio State University

Revelations From Çatalhöyük: A 9,000-year-old Community With Modern Urban Problems

Some 9,000 years ago, residents of one of the world's first large farming communities were also among the first humans to experience some of the perils of modern urban living. Scientists studying the...
The Israelites Leaving Egypt by David Roberts. Representative of an ancient Egyptian City.

The Lost City of Thinis, First Capital of a United Egypt

Thinis was a city of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Whilst Thinis and its alternative, This, were the Greek names of the city, the ancient Egyptians knew it as Tjenu. This city once served as the...
Ruins from the Kingdom of Tuwana

The Ancient Kingdom of Tuwana: A Bridge that Aided the Flow of Culture

Tuwana (spelled also as Tyana) is an ancient city that existed since the time of the Hittite Empire. This city is now known as Kemerhisar, and is located in what is today the Niğde Province, Central...
The Ziggurat at Chogha Zanbil

Chogha Zanbil: an Unfinished Elamite Site with a Unique Ziggurat

The ziggurat is arguably the most distinct architectural feature of the Mesopotamian civilization. Nevertheless, some of these structures have been found to exist outside the area once occupied by...
Burnt Ancient City in India

Burnt remnants of ancient city found from era of the Mahabharata‏

In May last year, archaeologists in India unearthed evidence of a 2,500-year-old planned city in Tarighat, Chhattisgarh, complete with water reservoirs, roads, seals and coins, buried 20ft below the...

New research unravels rise and fall of ancient Cambodian city Mahendraparvata

A new study published in the journal PLOS ONE has shed new light on the ancient city of the Khmer Empire era, Mahendraparvata, which was rediscovered in June last year by an Australian team of...
4,000-Year-Old Fortifications of Stone Age city - Shina

4,000-Year-Old Fortifications of Stone Age city discovered in China

Chinese archaeologists have uncovered fortifications surrounding the Shimao ruins – the largest Neolithic Chinese city ever discovered – including two huge beacon towers. The Shimao ruins , located...
Ancient city of Cahokia

What Caused Fire Which Destroyed America’s Most Prosperous Ancient City?

The ancient Native American city of Cahokia, which was built around 600 AD, was once home to 15,000 inhabitants, stretches of farmland, wealthy communities and surrounded by 120 pyramids similar to...