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Bronze Age Graves Uncovered At Stonehenge During Tunnel Excavations

Bronze Age Graves Uncovered At Stonehenge During Tunnel Excavations

Archaeologists digging at England’s controversial Stonehenge A303 tunnel site have unearthed Neolithic pottery, Bronze Age burials and a mysterious C-shaped enclosure. The area has been suffering...
5,600-Year-Old Ceremonial Center Found Near Stonehenge, Built 1,000 Years Before Stone Circle was Erected

5,600-Year-Old Ceremonial Center Found Near Stonehenge, Built 1,000 Years Before Stone Circle was Erected

Picture people 5,650 years ago gorging on huge amounts of beef, smashing large decorated bowls that may have held broth or other liquids and possibly smashing human skulls. They apparently did all...
Stonehenge and Nearby Stone Circles Were Newcomers to Landscape worked by Ice Age hunters

Stonehenge and Nearby Stone Circles Were Newcomers to Landscape worked by Ice Age hunters

About 5,000 years ago, not far from Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in England, some people built a stone circle smaller than its more famous counterpart. But for some reason, sometime after they built...
A European badger. Wrist guard and shaft straighteners found at the Netheravon burial.

Badger Uncovers Cremation and Grave Goods of Bronze Age Archer Near Stonehenge

A curious badger has inadvertently helped archaeologists to unearth remains of an archer or person who made archery equipment sometime between 2,200-2,000 BC in a burial mound at Netheravon,...
New study - stonehenge

New study says humans have inhabited the Stonehenge landscape for ten millennia

A new archaeological dig in the Stonehenge environs has revealed that the area around the ancient stone circle is officially the longest continuously occupied settlement in Britain currently known...

Scientists claim to have solved the mystery of Stonehenge’s location

Archaeologists who have been undertaking excavation work in the surrounding area of Stonehenge have claimed to have solved the mystery as to why the large circle of standing stones was constructed in...

Amesbury dig may unravel Stonehenge mysteries

Archaeologists are planning to begin a new excavation of Amesbury in an attempt to uncover some of the mysteries of Stonehenge. Amesbury is located in southern Wiltshire, England, and in recent years...