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yellow river

The rare, gold Shang dynasty (1600-1046 BC ) funeral mask recently recovered from a noble’s tomb at Zhengzhou, China. Source: Xinhua

3,000-year-old Gold Funeral Mask Illuminates Yellow River Civilization

A 3000-year-old gold funeral mask dated to the Shang dynasty (1600-1046 BC) has been unearthed by archaeologists on the Yellow River about 600 kilometers (373 miles) northwest of Shanghai. Found in...
Merciless Ancient Flood Carried 300,000 Lives Away

Merciless Ancient Flood Carried 300,000 Lives Away

A 2019 paper brought us evidence that a historic Yellow River flood in China killed an estimated 300,000 people, suggesting the city of Kaifeng was to killer floods, what Pompeii was to mega-...
Archaeologists Say They Have Unearthed A 5,000-Year-Old Graveyard of Giants in China

Archaeologists Say They Have Unearthed A 5,000-Year-Old Graveyard of Giants in China

Archaeologists working in eastern China have unearthed 205 graves of an unknown race of “unusually tall and strong” people. Labelled as ‘giants’ in comparison to the average height of other Chinese...

The Ancient Chinese Merchant Town Qikou: A Forgotten Jewel on the Banks of the Yellow River

Qikou (碛口镇) is a town located in Lin County, Shanxi Province, China. According to one source, human habitation of the area dates back to the Neolithic period. Nevertheless, the present town was...
Ancient Flutes in China

9,000 year-old-flutes found in China

Researchers in China have discovered six complete ancient flutes made of bone belonging to the Neolithic period carbon dated to about 9,000 years old. Fragments of many more flutes were found in the...