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Download your copies of the Unravelling Ancient History series.

These exclusive Ancient Origins eBooks contain a wealth of knowledge and enjoyment featuring authors, researchers, and experts from a variety of fascinating fields.

  1. 1. Unravelling Ancient Places DOWNLOAD NOW  (PDF) (Kindle) (ePub)
  2. 2. Unravelling Ancient Artifacts DOWNLOAD NOW (PDF) (Kindle) (ePub)
  3. 3. Unravelling Ancient Mysteries DOWNLOAD NOW (PDF) (Kindle) (ePub)
  4. 4. Unravelling Ancient Myths & LegendsDOWNLOAD NOW (PDF) (Kindle) (ePub)



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Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Places: travel to the strangest and most significant ancient sites on the planet! Explore Ruins, lost lands, and hidden sanctuaries.

Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts: discover surprising relics uncovered from our ancient past, and new theories to explain the mysteries surrounding some of the world’s more unique and unusual artifacts.

Unravelling Ancient Mysteries: encounter the most enduring mysteries from our misty past and unravel the truth behind some of the most perplexing artifacts, unlucky places, and important people from the ancient world.

Unravelling Ancient Myths & Legends: find out about our unique history of myths and the familiar legends you THOUGHT you knew! Vicious night beasts, mighty heroes, powerful goddesses, helpful life lessons – it’s all here!