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Holy land

5 Most Famous Clashes from the Crusades (Video)

5 Most Famous Clashes from the Crusades (Video)

The Crusades , marked by intense religious fervor and military conflicts, produced some of history's most significant battles. Among these, the Battle of Antioch (1097-1098) stands out as a pivotal...
A stained glass representation of the First Crusade, Crusaders and the siege of Jerusalem. Source:  jorisvo/Adobe Stock

1095: The Bloodiest Year of the First Crusade (Video)

In 1095, a pivotal moment unfolded as Pope Urban II, in a historic address at the Council of Claremont, rallied fervent believers to embark on a crusade, marking the inception of the First Crusade ...
Abraham ready to sacrifice his son Isaac. Source: Stig Alenas / Adobe Stock.

Biblical Myth or Historical Fact? Child Sacrifice in the Age of Abraham (Video)

Was the bible story of Abraham and Isaac inspired by real religious traditions? Recent archaeological excavations in Israel may be evidence of child sacrifice in ancient Israel . The excavations have...
Researchers at the Tomb of David building, examining what they hope is the mark of Adrian von Bubenberg.	Source: IAA

Knight's Graffiti Shows Swiss Links With King David’s Tomb

A charcoal inscription has been identified at the alleged site of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Bearing the emblem of the Swiss family von Bubenberg, the Israel Antiquities Authority...
Is the Beginning of the Knights Templar story linked to Jewish Elders?

The Origin of the Knights Templar – Descendants of Jewish Elders?

The Knights Templar initially arrived in the Holy Land on a mission to reclaim some treasure that they believed was rightfully theirs. According to the modern Templar historians, Tim Wallace-Murphy...
A silver star marks the traditional site Jesus' birthplace in a grotto underneath Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.

Jesus’ Birthplace And The Holy Land’s Ancient Pilgrimage Routes

A researcher has presented new evidence of the earliest Christian pilgrimage route ever discovered. The theory represents a direct challenge to the origins of traditional Christian geography and...
A Secret Grail Crypt Under A London River? The Search Is On

A Secret Grail Crypt Under A London River? The Search Is On

An amateur archaeologist in England claims the Holy Grail is buried in a secret “Grail crypt” under a river in Hounslow, London. And an environment agency plans to drain the river to find out if the...
Medieval crusader

The Crusades Beyond the Battlefield

The Crusades were a series of holy wars between the Christians of Western Europe and the Muslims of the Middle East. Traditionally, there were nine major Crusades, which took place between the 11th...
A modern representation of a member of the Knights Hospitallers.

The Knights Hospitallers: Courageous Crusaders of Many Names, Homes, and Roles

The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (known simply also as the Knights Hospitaller) was a religious military order that was founded in Jerusalem during the 11th century AD...
Detail of a Knight of the Teutonic Order.

The Teutonic Order: How a Hospice for Pilgrims Turned into a Legion of Crusaders

The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (commonly known as the Teutonic Order) is a military order that was founded in the Holy Land during the Crusades . The Teutonic...
“Taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, 15th July 1099” (1847) by Émile Signol / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library. The Crusaders were mostly successful in the First Crusade.

The First Crusade: Christian and Muslim Bloodshed as Peasants, Princes, and Turks Clash in the Holy Land

The First Crusade (1095-1099 AD) was a military campaign launched by Christendom in an attempt to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims to make the holy site safe once more for Christian pilgrims. The...
Legends, Mysteries, Light and Darkness: The Secret History of the Biblical Cave of the Patriarchs

Legends, Mysteries, Light and Darkness: The Secret History of the Biblical Cave of the Patriarchs

The Cave of the Patriarchs is a very famous site in the Middle East. Known as Ibrahim Mosque or the Sanctuary of Abraham today, it appears in the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran. Legends tell of a...
The Canaanite inscription; the large clay jar dates back 3,000 years.

Name from Davidic era found inscribed on 3,000-year-old vessel

Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a large, clay storage pot in the Elah Valley with a name from the era of King David inscribed on it in raised Canaanite letters. The pot dates to the Iron Age...
1,400-year-old winepress in Israel

Innocent boys meticulously excavated 1,400-year-old winepress in Israel

Some young boys in Israel took great care in excavating a winepress about 1,400 years old, not realizing they were doing anything wrong. The Israel Antiquities Authority got wind of the dig and took...
Knights Templars

Mystery of the Knights Templars: Protectors or Treasure Hunters on a Secret Mission?

The Knights Templars were a secret society whose true purpose remains a mystery or is at least vigorously debated among scholars and historians to this day. The Templars left behind many clues of...