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Excavations continue at the impressive and expansive ancient city of Lagash. Drone photo of the site of Lagash (Tell Al Hiba) looking north. This spring was a particularly wet one in Iraq, causing the marshes to surround the site on three sides. Source: Lagash Archaeological Project

4,700-Year-Old Tavern Serves Up Surprises in Ancient Lagash, Iraq

Archaeologists have discovered a large tavern or public eating space dating to around 2700 BC at the ancient city site of Lagash in southern Iraq. Equipped with benches, a clay oven, storage jars...
Medieval alehouses were often a community gathering space.  Source: Eco-Pim studio / Adobe Stock

East Yorkshire Site Yields a Possible Medieval Alehouse or Hostel

At a site in East Yorkshire, an archaeological dig has been in progress for three weeks to uncover the secrets of a medieval village. Now, archaeologists believe they have discovered a centuries-old...
The glass jewel with the encoded message

Coded Jewel Found in 300-Year-Old US Tavern Has Secret Message to Overthrow British King

Brunswick Town, in North Carolina, was once ‘a hotbed of anti-crown sentiment’ where rebellions were plotted and planned. Now archaeologists have made an amazing discovery in a once razed tavern that...
Illustration of an old tavern. Credit: Chorazin / Adobe Stock

Burned Down Colonial Tavern that May Have Doubled as a Brothel Found in North Carolina

Archaeologists examining a recently discovered colonial tavern in eastern North Carolina were stunned to discover that when the 18th Century building burned to the ground a “treasure trove of...
Close-up of a curse tablet targeting Demetrios and Phanagora - husband-and-wife tavern keepers who lived in Athens around 2,400 years ago.

Casting Hate: Greek Curse Tablets found in 2,400-Year-Old Grave

A recent study of the writing on four lead tablets shows the importance of staying on your neighbors’ good side in ancient Greece. The artifacts are “curse tablets”, and were created to send bad luck...
Site of the 2,100-year old Roman tavern, featuring the pits of taboon ovens for bread, a huge dining section to the right, a drainage system and millstones.

Excavations Reveal that the Oldest Roman Tavern Nourished and Served Ancient Life

A recent archaeological find in Lattes, France may provide insight into how the Romans dined 2,100 years ago. Archaeologists have discovered a structure that they believe to be a tavern, in an area...