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  1. Did Paleoamericans Reach South America First?

    In Textbook Story of How Humans Populated America is Biologically Unviable, Study Finds, recently ... evidence that anatomically modern humans were in South America tens of thousands of years before Ice Age ... of the American continent to occur below Canada in South America are highly suggestive that the earliest ...

    Clyde Winters - 05/09/2016 - 03:50

  2. DNA Analysis Reveals Surprising South American Migration Patterns

    ... analysis has revealed startling new information about South American migration patterns. A new study based on ... analysis has revealed startling new information about South American migration patterns. By carrying out a complete ... together a vision for how humans first settled South America and made inroads into resolving the Americas puzzle. ...

    Nathan Falde - 04/11/2022 - 19:25

  3. Study of Ancient Teeth Reveals Native American Origins Lie in Siberia

    ... including the idea that Norsemen had crossed into North America via Greenland. By the 1800s this idea was replaced by ... around 25,000 years ago, and only started to migrate south from 15,000 years ago. The study also discusses the ... Hemisphere? What route did the first people take to move south beyond the ice sheets of the Last Glacial Maximum and ...

    Cecilia Bogaard - 14/10/2021 - 00:35

  4. Genetic Analysis Shows Early Contact Between South Americans and Polynesians

    ... is emerging about the links between Polynesian and South American populations in the Pacific before the arrival of the Europeans. The theory that South Americans first colonized Easter Island, and other ... the history of the Pacific and also that of Latin America. In 1947 the famous Norwegian explorer Thor ...

    Ed Whelan - 08/07/2020 - 22:59

  5. Research Reveals New Link In Australasian and South American Ancestry

    ... that indigenous people living in multiple locations in South America are distantly related to the people of Australasia, ... (inhabitants of the islands of Oceania, which are located south of Southeast Asia). A new DNA study  has confirmed ...

    Nathan Falde - 01/04/2021 - 01:41

  6. Native American Art: Thousands of Artists But Only a Fraction of Their Masterpieces Have Survived

    ... Art is as diverse as the hundreds of tribes that inhabit America; each tribe having a unique culture and art forms. ... American Art , says most Native American art from North America that survives was created in the medieval period. Few ... While ancient people in Mexico and Central and South America left complex, wonderfully realized monuments, ...

    Mark Miller - 22/09/2018 - 14:07

  7. Were Vikings in South America Over 400 Years Before Columbus?

    ... the story presented by just a few advocates, of Vikings in South America. Like so many of these tales, it needs further ... nonetheless, it provides food for thought. The Vikings in South America Academic historians generally do not admit the ...

    Geoffrey Brooks - 10/05/2020 - 22:58

  8. Indigenous Uruguayan DNA Reveals Ancestry New To South America

    ... of Uruguay had an ancestry that was previously unknown in South America. Surprisingly, there is a genetic connection to the ... Amazonians. This perhaps indicates a migration route into South America along the Atlantic Coast. According to an Emory ...

    Sahir - 12/05/2022 - 18:44

  9. The Largest Native American Cave Art Site in SE North America Emerges!

    ... Native American cave art site in southeastern North America. One of the images depicts a rattlesnake stretching ... in the latest edition of the journal Antiquity . SE North America’s Largest Native American Cave Art Site “We knew ... now the largest Native American cave art site in SE North America. (A. Cressler / Antiquity Publications Ltd ). ...

    Sahir - 04/05/2022 - 01:28

  10. East African Invasions in South America: Tracing Cultural Clues and Artifacts Left by Early Travelers

    ... many artifacts that suggest Blacks lived in Pre-Columbian America in locations including Tiahuanaco and Valdivia. ... that Axumites, Meroites, and Puntites may have voyaged to South America before Columbus. Archaeologists have found many ... that Axumites, Meroites, and Puntites may have voyaged to South America before Columbus. There is also ample evidence ...

    Clyde Winters - 20/07/2017 - 19:09

  11. New Evidence Suggests Humans Lived in the Americas 30,000 Years Ago

    ... settlers were the first to occupy the lands of North and South America. Iowa State anthropologist Andrew Somerville ... in the ancient Americas. Did Paleoamericans Reach South America First? First Americans Arrived by Sea Over ...

    Nathan Falde - 04/06/2021 - 01:52

  12. Study of Ancient Teeth Shows Single Native American Migration from Asia

    ... Lie in Siberia Historical Timeline Shook: Human Arrival in South America Pushed Back to 25,000 Years Ago But dental ... seven Earth bioregions: the American Arctic, North and South America, East Asia, Southeast Asia and Polynesia, ...

    Nathan Falde - 19/12/2023 - 21:52

  13. 1,000-Year-Old Native American Canoe Recovered in North Carolina Lake

    ... 1,000-year-old canoe from the depths of Lake Waccamaw in south-eastern North Carolina. Stumbling Upon a Native ... removing the Native American canoe from Lake Waccamaw in south-eastern North Carolina. (North Carolina American Indian ... University of Houston . The earliest known canoes in North America were made by the indigenous people of the Pacific ...

    Sahir - 17/04/2023 - 22:50

  14. Death Detectives Discover South American Mummies were Brutally Killed

    ... and there a really, really, cold cases. The story of two South American mummies falls into the latter category.  ... and there a really, really, cold cases. The story of two South American mummies falls into the latter category. When ... researchers analyzed the remains of three pre-Columbian South American mummies they found two of the individuals were ...

    Alicia McDermott - 10/09/2022 - 22:34

  15. Previous Models of Ancient Populations in the Americas were ‘Unrealistically Simple’

    ... alone gave rise to all ancient populations in Central and South America. Did Paleoamericans Reach South America First? Underwater discovery in submerged ...

    ancient-origins - 02/06/2018 - 01:51

  16. Skull Analysis Concludes the Americas Were Settled by More than One Wave of Migrants

    ... paper says prehistoric human skull morphology of earlier South Americans more closely resembles Polynesian or ... the Americas 11,000 years ago Did Paleoamericans Reach South America First? Many natives deny this theory and say the ...

    Mark Miller - 23/02/2017 - 22:48

  17. First Americans Were More Diverse Than Thought

    ... years ago and authors like Graham Hancock in his new book America Before: the Key to Earth's Lost Civilization... ... Alaska , and entered the New World and that the earliest South Americans ventured south from North America. However, a new study has shown ...

    ashley cowie - 30/01/2020 - 18:55

  18. Historical Timeline Shook: Human Arrival in South America Pushed Back to 25,000 Years Ago

    ... supports pushing  back the date for human arrival in South America to at least 25,000 years ago.  Human arrival in the ... supports pushing  back the date for human arrival in South America to at least 25,000 years ago. The evidence? ...

    Sahir - 12/07/2023 - 14:54

  19. Culturally Misunderstood: The Struggles and Advances of Early American Women

    ... centuries saw a series of transitions in life in America, as many, particularly women, strove to find their ... America. For example, African American female slaves in South Carolina largely contributed to the economy by infusing ... (First published 1727). ( Public Domain ) Female slaves in South Carolina, “…received a higher purchase price than ...

    Anthony Ruggiero - 11/08/2020 - 23:08

  20. Maya Were Likely Taught to Grow Corn by Southern Migrants

    ... that spanned one-third of southern Mexico and Central America in the first millennium AD. The study also shows ... evidence for the migration of corn cultivation from South America, which these migrants from the south apparently brought with them. In their article in the ...

    Nathan Falde - 28/03/2022 - 22:48
