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  1. The Story of Carmilla: Literature’s First Vampire Was Actually a Woman

    ... Stoker and published in 1897, became a cult classic of horror literature throughout the world. It brought vampire ... Stoker and published in 1897, became a cult classic of horror literature throughout the world. It brought vampire ... previously been poorly documented, ushering a new age of horror and the paranormal. However, Dracula is unjustly cited ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 04/02/2022 - 18:00

  2. Professor Cabrera’s Cabinet of Horrors: Secret Chambers and Shocking Artifacts with Controversial Origins

    ... a stone figure cabinet á la Madame Tussaud—into the horror section. The beings made from grey clay were not ...

    WalterJoergLangbein - 10/09/2016 - 21:51

  3. Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Discovered In Judean Desert Cave

    ... repels into Cave 8 at Nahal Hever known as the Cave of Horror, where the Dead Sea scroll fragments were recently ... ) Missing Pieces Miraculously Found In The “Cave of Horror” According to an IAA film on the discovery, around ... previously discovered in the cave known as the “Cave of Horror.” This cave, designated as “Cave 8,” is located ...

    Gary Manners - 16/03/2021 - 17:11

  4. Hidden Horrors: 10 of History’s Most Shocking Mass Graves

    From ancient times to the present day, mass graves have been a haunting reminder of the atrocities that human beings can inflict upon each other. These graves, containing the remains of countless individuals, bear witness to the horrors of war, genocide, disease, and political violence. Some of these graves have been intentionally hidden, while others were left out in the open, serving as a grim reminder of the brutality of the past.

    Robbie Mitchell - 14/04/2023 - 22:52

  5. English Medieval Hospital Shows Horrors of Black Death

    ... of the Augustinian priory is dramatically showing the horror of the Black Death and its impact on a rural ...

    Ed Whelan - 18/02/2020 - 12:01

  6. Howling The Horror Of Loss: Keening And Death Lament Of The Irish

    ... MacDonald ( Public Domain) By: David Halpin Howling The Horror Of Loss: Keening And Death Lament Of The Irish ...

    David Halpin - 27/06/2022 - 21:57

  7. Castelinho da Rua Apa: The Brazil’s Little Castle of Horror

    ... Castelinho da Rua Apa: The Brazil’s Little Castle of Horror ...

    ML Childs - 28/10/2017 - 22:54

  8. Jebel Sahaba Shines Light on Horrors of Earliest Human Warfare

    13,400 years ago individuals were engaged in armed conflict on the east bank of the Nile in what is now northern Sudan. A fresh analysis of human remains from the prehistoric cemetery of Jebel Sahaba reveals the sporadic and recurrent nature of violence at one of the earliest sites linked to human warfare.

    Alicia McDermott - 27/05/2021 - 16:08

  9. The Horrors of the Spanish Inquisition Explained (Video)

    Robbie Mitchell - 29/02/2024 - 23:53

  10. From Horror to Hope: Surviving the Black Plague (Video)

    ... Source: Matrioshka / Adobe Stock. By Robbie Mitchell From Horror to Hope: Surviving the Black Plague (Video) ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 22/04/2023 - 01:59

  11. Thirty Years’ War: The Horror Of Europe’s Bloodiest Conflict (Video)

    ... CC BY-SA 3.0 By Robbie Mitchell Thirty Years’ War: The Horror Of Europe’s Bloodiest Conflict (Video) ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 03/12/2023 - 15:57

  12. Saved by the Bell - The Surprising History of Safety Coffins

    ... These grim times would fit perfectly into some Victorian horror novel, a “ Penny Dreadful ” magazine filled with ... Let’s dive deep into this morbid part of history - when horror tales were frighteningly close to reality! ... subject. Fictionalized accounts in literature, early horror fiction, and the rising urban myths , all saw the ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 18/07/2019 - 18:52

  13. At this Aztec Festival, Priests Wore Capes of Human Skin from Sacrifice Victims

    ... ( Public Domain ) Festival of Contrasts: Reverence Amidst Horror The sight of priests moving about, their bodies ... But for the Aztecs, this act was not about evoking horror for its own sake. It was a profound spiritual gesture, ... Aztecs, in their fervor and faith, saw past the immediate horror, perceiving a deeper symbolic resonance that was vital ...

    Joanna Gillan - 04/11/2023 - 21:50

  14. Like Something Out of The Walking Dead: Medieval Warrior Found with Knife Hand Prosthesis

    In the American post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, redneck hunter ... to be. While the storyline is nothing more than fictional horror, one Medieval warrior had come up with the same frightening idea In the American post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead , redneck hunter ...

    aprilholloway - 13/04/2018 - 18:57

  15. The Mystery of Celtic Wood: Where 37 WWI Australian Soldiers Vanished

    ... blood, and death. The three words that best describe the horror of the Western Front in the First World War . In ... of loss and suffering. ( Erik_AJV / Adobe Stock) A Horror in the Fields of Flanders It is likely that these men ... It proposes a fate that would strike anyone with utter horror. It is a theory that proposes that the soldiers that ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 15/12/2021 - 17:57

  16. Ending the Historical Atrocity of Virginity Tests?

    ... Custom of Dowries Britain’s Modern Multicultural Horror Show In Kathleen Coyne Kelly’s book,  Performing ...

    ashley cowie - 18/01/2021 - 23:55

  17. How the Ouija Board Got Its Sinister Reputation

    By now, most have vague notions of the Ouija board horror narrative, in which demonic spirits communicate with ... By now, most have vague notions of the Ouija board horror narrative, in which demonic spirits communicate with ... only in the 20th century that the Catholic Church and the horror movie industry rebranded the game as a doorway to the ...

    ancient-origins - 07/02/2019 - 13:51

  18. Study Shows Scythian Warriors Crafted Human Skin Arrow Quivers

    ... Hansen) was the monstrous human featured in the 1974 horror movie, “ The Texas Chain Saw Massacre ,” who wore the skin of his victims as a mask. And in the 1991 horror flick, “ The Silence of the Lambs ,” a young ... ,” revealing how Scythian warriors employed “pure horror” as an effective tool of psychological warfare , ...

    ashley cowie - 20/12/2023 - 21:52

  19. Tracking the Genetic Fingerprints of the Viking Woman Hunters

    Scientists have tracked ancient Viking genes across Europe further detailing the cultural, political and economic impact of the legendary raiders and traders of the Middle Ages. 

    ashley cowie - 16/09/2020 - 16:00

  20. Britannia, Druids and the Surprisingly Modern Origins of Myths

    ... plaudits as heralding a new generation of British folk-horror, is clearly not intended to be strictly historical. ... plaudits as heralding a new generation of British folk-horror, is clearly not intended to be strictly historical. ... and oak leaves in dark, wooded groves, and the ultimate horror of human sacrifice and the bacchanalia that followed. ...

    ancient-origins - 30/01/2018 - 13:59
