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  1. Race Against Time as Climate Change Devours Ancient Archaeological Sites in Canada

    ... try to save historic sites that are being endangered by climate change. Can archaeologists preserve Canada’s history before ... try to save historic sites that are being endangered by climate change. Can archaeologists preserve Canada’s ...

    lizleafloor - 04/10/2018 - 09:38

  2. Multiple Studies Say Cultural Heritage at Risk Because of Climate Change

    ... collective cultural heritage by the unfolding climate crisis. In several articles newly published in the ... humanity’s collective cultural heritage by the unfolding climate crisis . The publishing of these papers coincides ... with the opening of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), which will officially convene on ...

    Nathan Falde - 02/11/2022 - 00:00

  3. Intentional Forest Fires Shaped Forests in the USA More than Climate Change

    ... intentional forest fires in the past than by current climate change.  New research suggests that the Eastern United ... intentional forest fires in the past than by current climate change. But the ‘fire-adapted’ tree species that ...

    ancient-origins - 22/05/2019 - 18:50

  4. Catastrophic 14th-century Climate Events May Foretell Bleak Future

    ... a study that discloses important facts about major climate events that occurred during the 14th century AD. ... a study that discloses important facts about major climate events that occurred during the 14th century AD. ... the phenomenon. “We want to show that historical climate change can be reconstructed much better if written  ...

    Nathan Falde - 14/01/2021 - 21:59

  5. Scientists Warn That What Killed Past Human Species Could End Us Too

    ... our ancestors disappeared. Since they could not adapt to climate change the past human species became extinct, unlike Homo ... ( ExQuisine /Adobe Stock) Recreating the Prehistoric Climate The Italian researchers hypothesized that climate ...

    Ed Whelan - 17/10/2020 - 13:44

  6. Climate Change Did Not Cause the Demise of Neanderthals

    ... August 29th 2018 The Smithsonian Institute announced “Climate records gathered from stalagmites in Romanian caves ... On August 29th 2018 The Smithsonian Institute announced “Climate records gathered from stalagmites in Romanian caves ... ) Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Exposes Flaws in Climate Change Hypothesis For a long time, the extinction of Homo ...

    ashley cowie - 24/07/2020 - 02:55

  7. Homo Sapiens African Migration Occurred When the Climate Was Good

    ... to Europe and Asia 60,000 years ago in response to the climate becoming dryer. Some researchers believe the ... to Europe and Asia 60,000 years ago in response to the climate becoming dryer. If food and water were becoming ... ) African Migrations and The Influence of Local Climate Change Professor Schäbitz recruited a team of international ...

    Nathan Falde - 18/06/2021 - 14:51

  8. Viking Runestone Uncovers Climate Fears That Fed Ragnarök Myth

    Much of the modern world is very worried about climate change and it appears that Vikings were also very concerned about changes to the climate. Researchers now argue that one of the world’s most ...

    Ed Whelan - 09/01/2020 - 18:38

  9. Washing Up Wasn’t Enough: Evidence of 8.2 ka Climate Event Found in Çatalhöyük Cooking Pots

    ... Bristol has uncovered how early farmers were adapting to climate change 8,200 years ago. Neolithic cooking pots can tell you a ... Bristol has uncovered how early farmers were adapting to climate change 8,200 years ago. The study, published today in ...

    ancient-origins - 14/08/2018 - 22:55

  10. Did Climate Change Cause the Demise of the Ancient Indus Valley Civilization?

    ... Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has found evidence that climate change likely drove the Harappans to resettle far away from ... paper that was published November 13, 2018, in the journal Climate of the Past . "Although fickle summer monsoons made ...

    ancient origins - 21/11/2018 - 01:53

  11. Mummy Labels Unlock Climate Secrets of Ancient Mediterranean

    To reconstruct the climate of ancient Egypt, Swiss scientists have resorted to ... the Roman era, are small wooden tags that contain valuable climate information.  To reconstruct the climate of ancient ... Mummy Labels: Rosetta Stones for Deciphering Climate Change The aptly named mummy labels included the deceased's ...

    Sahir - 12/04/2023 - 18:23

  12. Ancient Pyramid Cities of Peru: A Catalogue of Swift Decline

    ... of the ancient Peruvian civilizations were because of climate change? Climate change has been connected to the collapse of several ...

    B. B. Wagner - 14/08/2019 - 01:37

  13. Sahara Climate Change Linked to 1000-Year Southeast Asian Megadrought

    Climate researchers exploring the molecular-structure ... 4,000 years ago to show the catastrophic global effects of climate change. Climate researchers exploring the molecular-structure ...

    ashley cowie - 23/08/2020 - 22:45

  14. Can Any Civilization Make It Through Climate Change?

    ... how civilization-planet systems co-evolve. In the face of climate change, deforestation and biodiversity loss, creating a ... cosmos last only a few centuries before it falls to the climate change it triggers? Scientists Reveal that Mysterious ...

    ancient-origins - 07/06/2018 - 23:00

  15. Climate Change, Not Aryan Invaders, Caused Dramatic Fall of Indus Valley Civilization

    ... patterns may have solved this puzzle. It now appears that climate change was responsible for the decline and fall of the Indus ... different statistical methods were used to understand the climate in ancient times and in particular the level of ...

    Ed Whelan - 05/09/2020 - 21:48

  16. Rising to the Challenge: Innovative Civilizations Advanced Through Climate Change

    ... the path to the later agricultural revolution. Climate Changes Linked to Ancient Human Innovations How Fashion Adapted to Climate Change – In the Little Ice Age The Younger Dryas Around ...

    Rob Mcroberts - 19/10/2017 - 18:56

  17. From Hunters to Settlers: How the Neolithic Revolution Changed the World

    ... on the subject first began in the early 20th century. This change from hunter-gatherer groups to agrarian communities ... and animal domestication. ( ) Did Climate Change Prompt the First Agricultural Revolution? One ... explanations for why agriculture developed when it did was climate change. An early hypothesis, proposed by V. Gordon ...

    Caleb Strom - 30/06/2018 - 23:32

  18. Cold Climates Contributed to the Extinction of the Neanderthals

    Climate change may have played a more important role in the ... from stalagmites that highlight changes in the European climate more than 40,000 years ago. They found several cold ... Evidence Stalagmites grow in thin layers each year and any change in temperature alters their chemical composition. The ...

    ancient-origins - 30/08/2018 - 23:01

  19. Less Ice and Low Water Levels Reveal Hidden Treasures – At A Price

    For the world of archaeology, climate change is a double-edged sword. For the world of archaeology, climate change is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, ...

    Sahir - 17/08/2022 - 01:59

  20. How Ancestral Puebloans Thrived After The 536-541-AD Climate Catastrophe

    A massive volcanic eruption in 536 AD resulted in dramatic climate catastrophe and the volcanic ash significantly cut ... A massive volcanic eruption in 536 AD resulted in dramatic climate catastrophe and the volcanic ash significantly cut ... peoples may in fact have been caused in part by climate change . Fragment of an ancient, burned maize ear. (R. J. ...

    Sahir - 23/11/2021 - 23:00
