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Radio Interview

Dances, Rituals & Ceremonies Of The Bushman

Thursday, September 24, 2015 - 20:00
Step into the imaginative realm of one of the oldest continuous cultures on Earth, the Kalahari Ju/’hoansi Bushmen. Bradford Keeney and Hillary Keeney present the core teachings of the Kalahari Bushmen as told by the tribal elders themselves. Decades in the making, it constitutes the first comprehensive work on the world’s oldest tradition of healing and spiritual experience. Bradford Keeney and...

Ancient Aliens on Mars II

Thursday, February 19, 2015 - 00:30
Building on the case made in Ancient Aliens on Mars and using data acquired from sophisticated new scientific instruments like the Mars Odyssey THEMIS infrared imager, Mike Bara shows that the region of Cydonia overlays a vast underground city full of enormous structures and devices that may still be operating. He peels back the layers of mystery to show images of tunnel systems, temples and...

Lost Knowledge Of The Pyramids

Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 00:30
Scott Creighton examines the prophecy of catastrophe and the ancient Egyptians’ massive undertaking to ensure the survival of their civilization. He explains how the pyramids acted as easily located storehouses for seeds, tools, and civilizing knowledge, yet they would have been too visible to house the precious treasures necessary to restore the rich culture of ancient Egypt. For this, the...

Paradise, The Ancient Catastrophe & The Rebuilding Of A Nation

Thursday, January 16, 2014 - 07:00
Edward F. Malkowski has a lifelong interest in ancient history with a special interest in the rise of civilization, philosophy, and the development of ancient religious beliefs. With the opinion that the ancient biblical stories in Genesis were based on historical events, during the late 1990's he began investigating the possible archeological and historical evidence that inspired the earliest...

Extraterrestrials in the Holy Bible

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - 07:00
Michael is an ordained interfaith minister and received his BA Degree in Letters from the College of New Rochelle where he graduated cum laude. He received his Masters In Divinity Degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City (class of 2000). He has served as a staff chaplain (Board Certified) at Lenox Hill Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital, Beth Israel Cancer Center, Methodist Hospital,...

The Invisible Grid Of Multidimensional Existence

Thursday, January 9, 2014 - 07:00
Larry Flaxman is an author and researcher on a mission to inform, empower, and entertain those fascinated by the paranormal. Best-selling author of seven books including “ 11:11 – The Time Prompt Phenomenon, Sequences and Synchronicities ” and “ The Deja Vu Enigma ”. Larry continues to write ground-breaking books on cutting-edge research that have readers, researchers, and reviewers open-mouthed...

The Third Reich Never Died Radio Interview with Dr Rita Louise

Thursday, October 24, 2013 - 09:15
Douglas Dietrich was a D.O.D. (Department of Defense) Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on...

Monster Files: A Look At Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals

Thursday, August 8, 2013 - 02:15
Nick Redfern is the author of many books on UFOs, aliens, Bigfoot, werewolves, the Loch Ness Monster, paranormal phenomena, conspiracy theories, psychic powers, and Hollywood scandal. His titles include the following: Contactees; Memoirs of a Monster Hunter; A Covert Agenda; Strange Secrets; Three Men Seeking Monsters; The FBI Files; Celebrity Secrets; Cosmic Crashes; There's Something in the...

Searching For God In Ancient Man

Thursday, August 1, 2013 - 02:15
Heather Lynn is a writer, researcher, speaker, and archaeologist with a Ph.D. in comparative religion. She is also president and founder of the Society for Truth in Archaeological Research, a member of the World Ar­chaeological Congress, and radio host on the Other World Radio Network. Her research topics include hidden history, mythology, esotericism, meta­physics, and the origin of...

Soul Mapping & Connecting To Your Inner Intellegence With Hypnotheray

Saturday, July 27, 2013 - 02:15
Cash Peters is an award-winning author and journalist. He is also a naturally gifted handwriting analyst who, almost twenty years ago, discovered that he had an amazing and significant talent for perceiving other people's energy through their writing and then channeling an interpretation of that energy. Since then, he has written three books on the subject, including Instant Insight, published by...

The Lost Secrets of Ancient America

Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 02:15
Josh Reeves is a Dallas, Texas-based researcher, filmmaker, and radio talk show host who first learned of government crimes in the 1990′s by reading Jim Marrs, “Crossfire,” which lead him to start investigating black operations and secret societies. Through radio, videos, films, and even music, Josh Reeves presents his restless effort of research into matters concerning government/corporate...

The Mystery Of Giants Of North America

Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 14:00
Hugh Newman is an earth mysteries and esoteric science researcher. He organises the Megalithomania Conferences, co-edits Avalon Rising magazine and coordinates talks, films and workshops at numerous festivals. He has researched and published a book on the subject. His most recent book, Earth Grids - The Secret Patterns of Gaia's Sacred Sites. He is an honorary member of The Antiquarian Society...

Inside The Real Area 51 - Mastering Alchemy : The Shift

Thursday, June 27, 2013 - 14:00
Tom Carey Donald Schmitt Inside The Real Area 51 Tom Carey Tom became interested in UFO’s while in high school and rekindled that interest when he became the MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Section Director for Southeastern Pennsylvania (1986-2002). In that capacity, Tom investigated local UFO sightings in the Delaware Valley which encompasses the five-county area surrounding Philadelphia. Since...

The Lost Secrets Of The Ancients

Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 14:00
Keith M. Hunter The Lost Secrets Of The Ancients Keith M. Hunter is an independent researcher with degrees in Psychology and Sociology, who has delved into the mysteries surrounding the origins of sacred measures, and of the base-60 mathematical system of the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. Keith has built upon and expanded the pioneering research of Bruce Cathie, examining the Earth Energy...

EFT, Epigenetics & Weight Loss - Talking With the Animals

Thursday, June 13, 2013 - 14:00
Dawson Church EFT, Epigenetics & Weight Loss Dawson Church, PhD , founded Soul Medicine Institute to research and teach emerging psychological and medical techniques that can yield fast and radical cures. His book, The Genie in Your Genes , pioneers the field of epigenetics, explaining the remarkable self-healing mechanisms now emerging from this science. He has conducted many scientific...