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pottery shards

Tel Arad fortress, source of the ostracon that led to the Biblical-era mystery.  Source: Public Domain

Israeli Forensic Police Investigator Helps Solve Bible-era Mystery

Research on ancient writings in Israel may have solved a long-standing Bible-era mystery. Researchers have shown that literacy was much more common than previously assumed among the ancient Hebrews...
Siberian river; inset, some of the pottery shards selected for the research.      Source: anton_shoshin / Adobe Stock; inset, Shoda et al./Science Direct

Culinary Innovations Helped Hunter-Gatherers Survive the Ice Age

By The Siberian Times reporter Ancient pottery started to appear in the Amur region in the Russian Far East between roughly 16,000 and 12,000 years ago, as the Ice Age slightly eased. But what was...