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Odysseus at the Court of Alcinous (1814-1816) by Francesco Hayez (Public Domain)

Clues To King Alcinous’ Scheria: The Lost Sickle In The Sea

The mythological Alcinous and the location of his kingdom of the Phaeacians have remained one of the most elusive topics of ancient Greek literature. Clues to the ruler and his kingdom survive only...
Odysseus at the court of Alcinous

In Search of King Alcinous: Who were the Legendary Phaeacians?

The mythological Alcinous and his kingdom have remained one of the most mysterious and elusive topics of ancient Greek literature. Not much is known of this foreign monarch, or at least not much has...
Scheria  & Phaeacians

The Mythic Scheria and the legendary Phaeacians

Scheria is a mythical place in ancient Greek mythology that was the home of the legendary and mysterious Phaeacians, who were known to be masters of the seas. The first reference to this place is...