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Ozgur Etli

Easter Island Statues

The Statues and Symbolic Gestures that Link Ancient Göbekli Tepe, Easter Island, and Other Sites Around the World

Ancient monuments left by mankind present an unsolved enigma: why do humanoid statues from many prehistoric sites— from those found at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey to those at Easter Island—all share...
Göbekli Tepe excavation site, Turkey

The Secret of Gobekli Tepe: Cosmic Equinox and Sacred Marriage - Part II

Sun and moon iconography can be found on the impressive standing pillars of Göbeklitepe, the Neolithic temples that are among the most important archaeological sites of our time. Guest author Özgür...
Archaeological site of Göbeklitepe in Turkey

The Secret of Gobekli Tepe: Cosmic Equinox and Sacred Marriage - Part 1

Göbeklitepe is an ancient and significant site which has been pushing back the beginnings of civilization further than we previously assumed. As each temple at the Neolithic site is excavated, the...