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Wars of the Diadochi: Alexander the Great’s Generals Fight For Spoils

Wars of the Diadochi: Alexander the Great’s Generals Fight For Spoils

As Alexander the Great slipped away on his deathbed on June 10-11th 323 BC, the iconoclastic emperor, whose remarkable achievements would be imitated by countless impersonators throughout history,...
The Argead Dynasty and the Founding of the Kingdom of Macedonia

The Argead Dynasty and the Founding of the Kingdom of Macedonia

The Argead dynasty was a royal dynasty that founded and initially ruled over the Kingdom of Macedon. This dynasty traces its origins all the way back to the mythical hero Heracles, via Temenus, his...
Thebes, A City Formed by The Warriors Who Sprang from a Dragon’s Teeth

Thebes, A City Formed by The Warriors Who Sprang from a Dragon’s Teeth

In ancient times, Thebes was one of the major Greek city states, and a rival of Athens. Later on, however, Thebes fell to the Macedonians, and was eventually conquered by the Romans. The post-...