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Kumari Kandam

Possible location for Lemuria. (Image creator: Liz Leafloor: Public Domain/Deriv)

Most Likely Locations for Lost Lemuria

The Lost Continent of Lemuria or Mu, (used interchangeably) has long lived under the shadow of its more well-known relation, Atlantis. Therefore, it may come as a surprise that for a brief moment in...
Have Scientists Discovered Proof for the Lost Continent of Lemuria?

Have Scientists Discovered Proof for the Lost Continent of Lemuria?

Most people have heard of the lost continent of Atlantis. Some know about the legendary lost continent of Lemuria and the semi-mythical land of Kumari Kandam as well. But have you heard of the...
The Lost Continent of Kumari Kandam

The Lost Continent of Kumari Kandam

Most people are familiar with the story of Atlantis, the legendary sunken city as described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Till this day, opinion is still divided as to whether this story...