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king david

Aerial photograph depicting the city wall casements of Khirbet Qeiyafa. Source: Yosef Garfinkel

Five Fortified Ancient Cities May Be Part of King David's Lost Kingdom

The ruins of five fortified cities outside of Jerusalem were allegedly part of the empire of King David, is the controversial claim of an Israeli archaeologist. In a new story, the archaeologist...
Scene with King David (Adrian Chlebowski/Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw)

Hidden Medieval Rooms Found in Sudan Contain Rare Nubian Christian Art

Archaeologists have uncovered a spectacular discovery in Dongola , Sudan – a series of hidden rooms beneath a medieval monastery featuring stunning Christian art unlike anything seen before in Nubian...
The image shows Ofri Eitan of the Kfar Hanasi pre-military Academi next to a large engraved stone discovered at the Golan Heights fort.             Source: Tidhar Moav / Israel Antiquities Authority

King David Era Fort Discovered in Israel’s Golan Heights

Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have uncovered a fortress from the 11th to 10th centuries BC in the Golan Heights region of Israel. They believe that the complex dates to...
Tel a-Rai, site postulated for Ziklag, where David found sanctuary under the Philistine wing.

Lost Biblical City Where Philistines Gave Refuge to King David Found, Archaeologists Say

Archaeologists digging in southern Israel near the modern city of Kiryat Gat claim to have found an ancient biblical city from the time of the legendary King David. The ancient Philistine city was...
The new find city gate is thought to be centuries older than this previously existing gate at Bethsaida.                Source: CC BY 3.0

City Gate From the Time of King David Unearthed In Miracle Village

Archaeologists have announced an amazing discovery - they have found an ancient city gate that dates to the time of King David , perhaps the greatest of all the rulers of ancient Israel. This find...
The Suicide of Saul by Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1562)

The Battle of Mount Gilboa: King Saul’s Defeat and Death

The Battle of Mount Gilboa (circa 1050 BC) was a turning point in Israel’s military and political history. The Israelite and Philistine armies would once again engage in exchanging bloodshed. However...
King David Playing the Harp by Gerard van Honthorst (1662).

Discovery of Lost Citadel May Prove the Existence of King David

In Israel, experts believe that they have found a long-lost citadel from the time of King David. Some argue, according to Breaking Israel News , that the building is the Canaanite stronghold of Eglon...
A Question of Faith: Is the Tomb of the Legendary King David Really on Mount Zion?

A Question of Faith: Is the Tomb of the Legendary King David Really on Mount Zion?

There is a famous tomb located on Mount Zion in the ancient city of Jerusalem. A part of the Diaspora Yeshiva, this tomb receives thousands of visitors every year. Many of them go to the site with...
The Canaanite inscription; the large clay jar dates back 3,000 years.

Name from Davidic era found inscribed on 3,000-year-old vessel

Archaeologists in Israel have discovered a large, clay storage pot in the Elah Valley with a name from the era of King David inscribed on it in raised Canaanite letters. The pot dates to the Iron Age...
Citadel of King David

Has the legendary citadel captured by King David been found?

An Israeli archaeologist claims to have located the citadel supposedly captured by King David in his conquest of Jerusalem. However, the controversial discovery has reignited the debate about using...
3,000-Year-Old Inscription - King David - Old Testament

Expert Cracks Code of 3,000-Year-Old Inscription with Dramatic Implications for the Bible

Earlier this month we reported on the discovery of a 3,000-year-old pottery fragment , now known as the Ophel Inscription, near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, inscribed with the earliest written text...