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Time Capsule of the House of the Tesserae Opens Window into the Past

Time Capsule of the House of the Tesserae Opens Window into the Past

In 2017 archaeologists in Jordan unearthed a time capsule dating back over a thousand years. The House of the Tesserae was fortuitously preserved after an earthquake struck the Jordanian city of...
Temple of Artemis in the ancient Roman city of Gerasa at the sunset, preset-day Jerash, Jordan. Source: vesta48 /Adobe Stock

Knifeman Stabs Tourists at Jordanian Site Jerash

Eight people, including four foreign tourists, have been stabbed in Jerash , an ancient tourist location in Jordan . Conflicting reports about the attack are presenting varying details about the...
The ancient city of Gerasa with the modern city in the background.

Old Maps and Hi-Tech Scans Reveal A Lost City’s Watery Past at Jerash Jordan

Comparing high definition photography and state-of-the-art airborne laser scans with clues from ancient artifacts, archaeologists in Jordan have reconstructed the ancient waterways of a hidden urban...
The Oval Forum and Cardo Maximus in ancient Jerash

Garshu, Gerasa, Jerash: the Everchanging City of the Ancient World

Today, Jerash is a relatively unimposing town in the modern-day country of Jordan but its expansive and majestic ancient ruins reveal its glorious past. Even beneath its existing ruins lies a history...
This silver scroll, revealed digitally by a group of researchers, may be an incantation of an 8th century magician in Jordan. The language is unknown, but the practice of placing magical incantations on scrolls and placing them in containers is well known from antiquity.

Magical Incantation Discovered on Ancient Silver Scroll Written in Unknown Language

We may never know what the magic spell says, but scholars using a CT scanner and new software have revealed an inscription or incantation on a tiny, tightly rolled silver scroll that was written...