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Self-Mummified body of Body of Chukai (Image: © Dr Ken Jeremiah)

Sokushinbutsu: Tales Of Living Buddhas’ Self Mummification

Immuring themselves in an underground stone chamber, sealed tight, waiting to die: that is what more than 24 known individuals did in northern Japan from the 1200s until the 19th century, though it...
Buried Alive: The Terrifying History of Death by Immurement

Buried Alive: The Terrifying History of Death by Immurement

Immurement is a practice whereby a person is enclosed within a confined space with no exits. Normally, a person who is immured is left in that space till he/she dies, either of dehydration or...
The fear of being buried alive is taphophobia. (Sergey Nivens / Adobe Stock.)

Saved by the Bell - The Surprising History of Safety Coffins

Modern medicine is full of wonders and lifesaving, revolutionary methods - many of which are taken for granted. But if we were to look back in time, we’d quickly realize that even death was uncertain...