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ice cores

Researchers Find Ilopango Mega-eruption Caused A Maya Armageddon

Researchers Find Ilopango Mega-eruption Caused A Maya Armageddon

A new scientific study of an ice core sample from Greenland has demonstrated how the Central-American Ilopango mega-eruption wiped out an entire Maya area, 1,590 years ago. Oxford University...
The 10km-wide caldera on Alaska's Unmak Island formed during the 43 BC Okmok II eruption that contributed to the collapse of Rome. Source: Kerry Key (Columbia University, New York, NY/ Desert Research Institute

Discovered: The Highland Volcano That Collapsed Ancient Rome

Following Julius Caesar ’ s assassination in 44 BC extreme climate change led to crop failures which in turn fueled the increasing social unrest in Rome, adding greatly to the social disruption...