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Holy Blood

Is the Blood of Jesus Really Held in the Basilica of the Holy Blood?

Is the Blood of Jesus Really Held in the Basilica of the Holy Blood?

Bruges in Belgium is a world-famous city, known for its incredible architecture. The Basilica of the Holy Blood, a Roman Catholic basilica, stands proud among the many incredible buildings. The...
Basilica of the Holy Blood – Does it Really Hold the Blood of Jesus?

Basilica of the Holy Blood – Does it Really Hold the Blood of Jesus?

The beautiful city of Bruges in Belgium is so well maintained it is said that strolling through town is like walking through a gallery of European architecture. But it’s not only the buildings which...

The conspiracy theories of Bérenger Saunière and Rennes-le-Château

Rennes-le-Château is a castle in small hilltop village in Southern France that is at the center of many conspiracy theories. Some say that priest Bérenger Saunière discovered buried treasure in the...