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Pyramids at Caral, Supe Valley, Peru. Source: estivillml /Adobe Stock

Oldest Known Civilizations in History (Video)

​ Unveiling the tapestry of early civilizations illuminates a rich mosaic of human ingenuity and societal evolution. Amidst the Neolithic era's dawn, Catalhoyuk in modern-day Turkey stands as a...
The mass grave in Dahwa, Oman, where prehistoric silver jewelry was unearthed, along with pottery, stone containers, and personal ornaments

“Intriguing” Prehistoric Silver Jewelry in Omani Tomb Evidence of Regional Trade

Several important archaeological discoveries that shed light on ancient trade settlements in the Oman region have been unearthed by nearly a decade of excavations at a site from the early Bronze Age...
Fantasy image of a lost civilization underwater.	Source: Максим Горбанев/ Adobe Stock

Nine Civilizations That Met Mysterious (and Unfortunate) Ends

One of the most fascinating subjects to study throughout history is the rise and fall of various civilizations. While in some cases we have an understanding of the evolution and downfall of these...
Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan. Source: robnaw / Adobe Stock

Mohenjo Daro and The Mounds That Hid a Civilization

In 1914, Rakhaldas Banerji, Director of the Western Archaeological District in Bombay (now Mumbai), went to investigate a series of mounds near the town of Dokri in Sindh Province, Pakistan. The site...
Diorama of people in the ancient Harappan culture (Indus Valley civilization).

Climate Change, Not Aryan Invaders, Caused Dramatic Fall of Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Civilization was one of the most important Bronze Age civilizations. It was comparable in its achievements to the Egyptians and it is often claimed that it was very influential in the...
IMAGE Upload an image to go with this article. Show row weights FILE INFORMATION	OPERATIONS   Image icon Modern.jpg (89.91 KB) Alternate text The Ras Al Khaimah excavation site where the ancient remains were found.   Source: Ras Al Khaimah Government Media Office This text will be used by screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded.   Image icon Ras-Al-Khaimah.jpg (161.66 KB) Alternate text This text will be used by screen readers, search engines, or when the image cannot be loaded. A

4000-Year-Old Mass Burials Unearthed in Ras Al Khaimah

An ambitious joint project, between Ras Al Khaimah’s Department of Antiquities and Museums and two US universities, is studying 4,000-year-old human bones unearthed at two prehistoric tombs in the...
Indus Valley seal found at Mohenjo Daro with script (Peter / Flickr)

IT Guru Unlocks Secrets of Ancient Indus Script

The Indus Valley civilization, also known as the Harappan civilization, was the earliest known urbanized ancient culture that emerged on the Indian subcontinent between 2500–1700 BC, and according to...
Bed of Ghaggar River near Hanumangarh. Researchers claim this is the ancient Saraswati River. Source: Bharat Jhunjhunwala / CC BY-SA 2.0.

Legendary Saraswati River of Harappan Civilization Found

Researchers in India believe that they have solved an age-old riddle. They believe that they have finally identified the location of the mythical Saraswati River . They appear to have found evidence...
Representation of discovery of the skeleton at the Rakhigarhi archaeological site. Source: Elena / Adobe Stock.

DNA of 5,000-Year-Old Woman Links Modern Indians to Ancient Indus Valley Civilization

Ancient DNA from India’s Rakhigarhi archaeological site is telling volumes about the destiny of the mysterious Indus Valley Civilization. Around 3000 BC, Neolithic hunters in northern Scotland began...
The first clear example of an ancient Harappan couple burial.

Archaeologists Find the First Example of a Harappan Couple Burial

A rare discovery at an ancient Harappan site shows that death doesn’t even mean the end for some relationships. The couple’s burial stands out from others in a sprawling cemetery. Even in the grave,...
General view of the coffin found at Sanauli

Sanauli Find Challenges Aryan Invasion Theory and Could Re-write Indian History

In the month of May 2018 various International and National News channels and Newspapers descended on the village Sanauli to report on a sensational discovery. Chariots and coffins were discovered...
4,000-Year-Old Copper Crown Found in India

4,000-Year-Old Copper Crown Found in India

By Venus Upadhayaya , Epoch Times Indian archaeologists uncovered a 4,000-year-old copper crown in the village of Chandayan, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh last week, from what they...
The mythical Saraswati river of Rig Veda

Did the mythical Saraswati river of the ancient Vedas really exist?

Coming together, glorious, loudly roaring, Saraswati, Mother of Floods. This is the description of the Saraswati River as written in the Rig Veda, a sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns dating...
Rakhigarhi - the biggest Harappan site - India

Rakhigarhi now the biggest Harappan site after two new mounds discovered

The discovery in January of two new mounds at the ancient Harappan site of Rakhigarhi in Haryana, India, now makes it the largest known site of the Harappan (Indus Valley) civilisation, even outdoing...