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The aftermath of the Gezer fire of early July 2022 shown in this image reveals that ancient stone ruins can survive grass fires, but that climate change is making more fires overall. Source: Roee Shtrauss / INPA

Gezer Fire Engulfs Canaan Site, But With Little Permanent Damage

The Gezer fire that broke out on Monday in Israel’s Biblical Tel Gezer National Park was fierce and swift. Initial reports of the fire at Gezer “proclaimed” widespread damage to this protected and...
Global warming has led to extreme weather events and much destruction in recent years. Source: FotoXS / Adobe Stock

Tragic Loss: 2,500-Year-Old Olive Tree Burned to Ashes in Greek Fires

Thousands of Greeks have fled their homes as a fiery nightmare consumes their island. Furthermore, the legendary 2,500-year-old Evian olive tree has gone forever, in what is an environmental clash of...
History Saved! Jenolan Caves Defended as Australian Fires Rage On

History Saved! Jenolan Caves Defended as Australian Fires Rage On

Australia’s World Heritage Listed heritage site, the Jenolan Caves Reserve, which has the world’s oldest known and open cave systems, has been protected from the raging fires which are tearing across...
Arowak Indian. Credit: Pixeltheater / Adobe Stock

Amazon Fires Unite Enemy Tribes Against Bolsonaro

The Amazon fires are uniting rival indigenous cultures against Jair Bolsonaro’s administration in Brazil. When I was young, my brother and I battled tooth and nail with the neighbor’s boys in what...