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Scientists Uncover Secrets of the Germanic-Viking Alchemists of Ribe

Scientists Uncover Secrets of the Germanic-Viking Alchemists of Ribe

Archaeologists at sites in Ribe, a Danish trading port in southwest Jutland, have published a new study in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences related to the evolution of metalwork skills and...
Chahak child and the crucible slag and a smithing slag layer. 	Source: 	Rahil Alipour, UCL

Cast Iron Evidence Of Ancient Persian Chromium Steel Production

Scientists discover evidence of chromium production in ancient Persia, but historians at Sheffield in England defend the cities claim to having ‘invented’ the super-steel. To many younger readers “...
Scottish media is reporting a remarkable find of hand and knee prints that may have belonged to an individual from an enigmatic civilization. It is believed that the prints are those of a Pictish smith and were discovered in the remains of his workshop. The find was uncovered in the island of Rousay in the Orkney Islands off the Northern coast of Scotland.

A Human Touch: Is this 1500-year-old Hand Print a Pict, a Viking or Another?

Scottish media is reporting a remarkable find of hand and knee prints that may have belonged to an individual from an enigmatic civilization. It is believed that the prints are those of a Pictish...
Oldest crucible steel weapon in Europe unearthed in Russia

Oldest crucible steel weapon in Europe unearthed in Russia

Sometimes old friends give you a surprise. Russian archaeologists were conducting a routine examination of an old sabre unearthed seven years ago in Yaroslavl -- when it turned out to be oldest...