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breast cancer

The Female Siberian Ice Maiden Whose Legends Lives On

The Female Siberian Ice Maiden Whose Legend Lives On

Buried in permafrost soil around the 5th century AD, a 35-year-old woman was discovered in the Republic of Altai, Russia. Finding the woman helped archaeologists develop deeper understanding of the...
A Royal Love Affair: The Mystery of Amy Robsart Dudley’s Death

A Royal Love Affair: The Mystery of Amy Robsart Dudley’s Death

Royal courts were always a hotspot for intrigues, secrets, schemes, and love affairs. Where prestige and power reign, true love is often nowhere to be found. But in those cases when royal passions...
Earliest known breast cancer identified in ancient Egyptian skeleton

Earliest known breast cancer identified in ancient Egyptian skeleton

A 4,200-year-old skeleton that shows signs of deterioration from cancer is the earliest known case of breast cancer, according to the Spanish anthropologists who uncovered her remains in a necropolis...