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The School Of Sun Tzu: Winning Empires Without War


In The School of Sun Tzu, author David G. Jones offers a voyage of discovery into the world of competition and conflict. It presents fresh thought on how issue management without conflict can be applied in today's complex world. The School of Sun Tzu carefully examines and defines the Tao Te Ching/Ping-fa relationship, the period and context within which they were created, and what use they were intended to serve. It studies the theories and practices that helped found China and reveals the great achievements of China's first empire as well as the revisionist conspiracy that characterized the second. It also includes a thorough examination of how China developed a suite of strategic tools 2,300 years ago to end war and found an empire. Fusing history, politics, philosophy, and motivational theory, Jones challenges not only conventional wisdom regarding Sun Tzu's Art of War, but even some generally accepted aspects of Chinese history. It offers enlightening insights into a methodology as valid today for relationship management as it was centuries ago.