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The Prophecy from Armageddon – The Apocalyptic Verses


The Prophecy from Armageddon – The Apocalyptic Verses

The graphic imagery and searing examples of incalculable loss as depicted in the Book of Revelation with serpents, dragons, firestorms and eternal damnation make for horrendous reading. Lurking among those ills and omens was the disturbing word: ARMAGEDDON. It has now transpired that ARMAGEDDON was not just a single word but instead it was the Alpha and the Omega of a mini-alphabet which formed the nucleus of a secret message from antiquity

The Alphabet of Armageddon tells of the most blood-chilling prophecy ever made out of the realms of shamanic prediction. From the words that formed into apocalyptic verses the greatest evils in history materialized showing with clinical accuracy the rise of Hitler, the Holocaust and the darkest must brutal chapter in the history of humanity.

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