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1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed


1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed

In 1177 B.C., marauding groups known only as the "Sea Peoples" invaded Egypt. The pharaoh's army and navy managed to defeat them, but the victory so weakened Egypt that it soon slid into decline, as did most of the surrounding civilizations. After centuries of brilliance, the civilized world of the Bronze Age came to an abrupt and cataclysmic end. Kingdoms fell like dominoes over the course of just a few decades. No more Minoans or Mycenaeans. No more Trojans, Hittites, or Babylonians. The thriving economy and cultures of the late second millennium B.C., which had stretched from Greece to Egypt and Mesopotamia, suddenly ceased to exist, along with writing systems, technology, and monumental architecture. But the Sea Peoples alone could not have caused such widespread breakdown. How did it happen?

In this major new account of the causes of this "First Dark Ages," Eric Cline tells the gripping story of how the end was brought about by multiple interconnected failures, ranging from invasion and revolt to earthquakes, drought, and the cutting of international trade routes. Bringing to life the vibrant multicultural world of these great civilizations, he draws a sweeping panorama of the empires and globalized peoples of the Late Bronze Age and shows that it was their very interdependence that hastened their dramatic collapse and ushered in a dark age that lasted centuries.

A compelling combination of narrative and the latest scholarship, 1177 B.C. sheds new light on the complex ties that gave rise to, and ultimately destroyed, the flourishing civilizations of the Late Bronze Age--and that set the stage for the emergence of classical Greece.


The great Immanuel Velikovsky deserves credit as the greatest progenitor of these ideas - read Worlds In Collision!

With geological discovery that the 1600 BC volcanic island explosion of Santorini/Thera caused entire civilizations to collapse around the Mediterranean with volcanic gasses, ash, and tsunami, the first era of the Minoan Sea Peoples, those living on Crete and North Africa fled East into the Mideast and Egypt (Kmet). They entered into the Nile Delta region and became their own sovereign population, displacing the 18th and 19th dynasties (collateral dynasties - not linear) of the Lower Egypt (= not Nile Delta) and Upper Egypt. It is the cousins, descended from Khaemwaset who became these 2 dynasties of the Amenhoteps/Tutmoses (Lower Kmet) and the Raamses (Upper Kmet). In those refugess were the Minoan Sea Peoples, Cretans, North Africans, and Europeans. Sea Peoples, Hyksos, Hapiru/Habiru and others fled into the Nile Delta.

Those of this Europe of the Celts (the true biblical Ur of the Chald[ee]s) was the biblical family of Teran, Nahor, and Abraham into the Syria/Haran area, then moving into Canaan, and eventually multiple times attempting entry into the Egypt Nile Delta. Only at the time of Joseph mid 1360s BC, did the Israelites move into the Nile Delta and remain down to the Exodus of 1207-06 BC (Pharaoh Merenptah's Black Obelisk detailing their removal). It is said by Manetho (Greek-Egyptian historian) that a portion of the Zara-ties of the Judah tribe (and other colonists) left Egypt shortly after their entrance - and sailed away to (re)found the colonies of Troy, proto-Greece, and the Minoan-II dynasty ~150 years before the Exodus (1357-56 BC). It is THOSE people who became these new bands of Sea Peoples and such Peleshtets (Philistines) of the 1150s BC who became the marauders of all Mediterranean shoreline nations in that time period.

A properly detailed book that shows more history that modern academics do not want to be discussed.

And to the Minoan-II dyanasty of Sea Peoples, it is the son of Zara, Heman, (Amenhotep) that we know from Greek legends of Knossos as King Min-os, and the Min-oan civilization. Linear A was the language of the First Dynasty. Linear B became the hybrid language of the old Minoan First Dynasty's alphabetic characters and transferring proto-Hebrew upon them.