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Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is the current king of what is left of the Asante Empire. Source: Asante Kingdom

The Asante Empire of Ghana and the Anglo-Asante Wars

The Asante Empire (also known as the Ashanti Empire) was an African state that existed between the 18th and 20th centuries. This empire occupied the area of modern-day Ghana and benefitted greatly...
The most striking feature of African gold adornment is the wealth of its proverbial imagery. Many of the objects depict animals, birds, fish, insects, seeds, manmade objects and fruit. (© Javett-UP Collection)

Spectacular Gold Treasures of Ancient Africa Revealed

Mined, melted and sculptured, adorning royalty and showcasing wealth and prestige, buried or lost in the earth for centuries, only to be excavated and exhibited and once more cast its seductive magic...