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ancient religion

Baal And Moloch, Did The Ancient Gods Of The Levant Demand Child Sacrifices?

Baal And Moloch, Did The Ancient Gods Of The Levant Demand Child Sacrifices?

In the Valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem stood a giant statue of the god Moloch. The valley and the deity are infamous for their historical association with child sacrifice. According to some...

Marduk: Babylonian King of Gods and Reportedly Liberator of the Jews

Most people have heard of Zeus, Odin, or Jupiter, but not many have heard of Marduk. Born to the mother and father of all Babylonian gods, Marduk clawed his way to the top becoming the head of the...
Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are one, a painting in the litang style portraying three men laughing by a river stream, 12th century, Song dynasty.

The Evolution of Wisdom: A Study of the Evolution of Perception as Understood by Ancient Religions

Traditionally, the study of evolution observes a slow and unconscious progression of physical adaptations stretched along multiple generations of a species. However, what if a more immediate and...