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ancient life

A Sámi family  in front of goahti and lavvu housing, early 1900s, Norway

The Sami People: Reindeer Herding and Cultural Survival in the Far North

The Sámi are the northernmost indigenous people of Europe. For thousands of years they have lived in an area called Sápmi - the northern sectors of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula...
Recent Excavations at Kultepe, Turkey

4,000-Year-Old Tablets with Evidence of Bronze Age Rights for Women Discovered in Turkey

Great finds continue to be unearthed at the Bronze Age site of Kültepe-Kaniş-Karum, in Turkey. The latest discovery includes millennia old cuneiform tablets referring to commercial interests as well...
The long fire pit in the center of the longhouse

Viking Longhouse Discovery Rewrites the History of Icelandic Capital City

Archaeologists conducting an excavation in the center of Reykjavik, Iceland were actually looking for a farm cottage from 1799. Instead, they discovered something much older, a Viking longhouse 20...
Scan of the Dinner Invitation

Rediscovered Papyri Fragments Provide Charming Insight into Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt

The papyrus fragments rediscovered at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Library include a reminder for an invitation to dinner and a letter to a young man’s mother. The invitation calls guests...