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ancient artifacts

Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Five Mysterious Ancient Artifacts That Still Puzzle Archaeologists

Natasha Harlow /The Conversation Archaeologists are often described as “ stumped ” or “ baffled ” by their discoveries. But, in reality, specialists have a good grasp of what most historical objects...
The rabbit hole which produced the prehistoric finds on Skokholm Island.       Source: Richard Brown and Giselle Eagle, WTSWW / Royal Commission RCAHMW).

Burrowing Rabbits Discover Priceless Artifacts On Skokholm Island

On uninhabited Skokholm Island, two miles off the coast of Wales, burrowing rabbits dug out two Stone Age tools and one Bronze Age piece of pottery. Although it was the Skokholm bunnies that...
Ancient artifacts and human remains surface as glaciers melt

Ancient artifacts and human remains surface as glaciers melt

In summer 2014 in just one Norwegian county a team of archaeologists found 400 Stone Age artifacts uncovered by glacial melt. “Mittens, shoes, weapons, walking sticks – lost in the high mountains of...