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Left, ancient alchemy painting. Right, The artifact known as the ‘Nanjing Belt’ seems to be proof of the existence of aluminum in early China. Source: Left; primopiano/Adobe Stock Right; Soul-guidance

The Enigma of the Nanjing Belt: How Could this Out of Place Artifact Exist?

Some important archaeological discoveries simply don’t fit the mold. Seeing the light of day after many centuries, they bring us so much confusion and redefine the modern narratives, leaving us...
Detail of ‘Der Parnaß’ (1497) by Andrea Mantegna.

The Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: Were Humans the First? Part 6

[READ PART 5] Technology began with Hephaestus, or Vulcan, the world´s first metallurgist, according to Greek mythology. His workshop – a sparkling dwelling of bronze- was on Mount Olympus. But...
UFO Wreckage? Ancient Metal Object Found in Romania Has Unexplained Origins

UFO Wreckage? Ancient Metal Object Found in Romania Has Unexplained Origins

A worked piece of aluminum which is believed to have been made 250,000 years ago is making world history news headlines. The composition and possible purpose of the object is baffling scientists and...