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Artistic representation of fish raining over Lajamanu.   Source: Composite CC BY 2.0 and CC BY 2.0

Raining Fish Reported Near the Australian Desert

It may sound like a biblical tale, but it just happened. A secluded community in the Northern Territory of Australia had the heavens rain down fishy manna on it. Even more astonishingly, Lajamanu, a...
Representation of the bipedal hominins Homo erectus, one of Homo sapiens’ ancestors. Source: ratpack223 /Adobe Stock

Did Supernovae Inspire Our Hominin Ancestors to Walk Upright?

Did ancient supernovae induce proto-humans to walk on two legs, eventually resulting in Homo sapiens with hands free to build cathedrals, design rockets and snap iPhone selfies? A paper published...
The Cube of Zoroaster at Naqsh-e Rustam - an ancient necropolis located in Fars Province, Iran, with a group of ancient Iranian rock reliefs cut into the cliff, from both the Achaemenid and Sassanid periods.

The 2500-year-old Cube of Zoroaster To Stay Shaken But Not Stirred

Many archaeologically significant sites are under threat from the elements or because of environmental issues. For some time, one of the most important monuments in Iran was believed to be under...
Working shot of excavation in Building 77. (Çatalhöyük/CC BY NC SA 2.0) Insert: Collection of Neolithic Pottery.

Washing Up Wasn’t Enough: Evidence of 8.2 ka Climate Event Found in Çatalhöyük Cooking Pots

Neolithic cooking pots can tell you a lot about life in the culture that used them; if you have the right tools on hand. New research on such pottery by the University of Bristol has uncovered how...

Ehecatl: The Aztec Wind God was Hard to Pin Down

Ehecatl was the wind god of the Aztec pantheon. As a weather deity, he was also indirectly connected to agriculture and the fertility of the land. Additionally, Ehecatl is commonly regarded to be an...
Solar gods were worshiped in prehistoric Ireland.

Was Prayer to the Ancient Solar Gods enough to Change the Renowned Irish Weather?

Ireland’s history is rich in dramatic myth and mysterious legends. The significance of the natural world, and most importantly the sun, was obvious in the daily lives of the pre-Christian Irish...
The skeletal remains found after stormy weather in Kilmore Quay, Ireland.

After the Storm: Hurricane Ophelia Reveals Ancient Mystery Skeleton in Ireland

Hurricane Ophelia sent strong waves beating against a coastal walkway in Ireland. This sped up erosion and revealed an unexpected discovery to people walking in the area the next day – human remains...
 An illustration of raining fish.

Raining Cats and Dogs? No, Just Fish

Last week, residents in the coastal city of Tampico in Mexico experienced a bizarre phenomenon that has been reported since ancient times – raining fish. Civil defence officials in northeast Mexico...
The Cat Came Back: A More Than Mythical History – Part I

The Cat Came Back: A More Than Mythical History – Part I

Cats have been on the human scene for 9,000 years. We came out of the caves, and they were there with us. Ever since, cats have been immortalized in art. They have been painted in fresco, sculpted in...
A petroglyph photographed on the Pine Trees beach of the Big Island in Hawaii.

Huge Waves Provide Rare Glimpse of Hawaiian Petroglyphs

The huge waves that hit Hawaii during the weather phenomena known as El Niño (El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)) excite surfers and, on the odd occasion, rock art enthusiasts too. They know that...
It’s possible Mount Tavurvur, a part of the Rabaul caldera volcano in Papua, New Guinea, played a role in the climate change beginning 536 AD. Others have theorized that dust thrown in the air by crashing meteorites played a role in the climate change.

Late Antiquity Little Ice Age Triggered Plague, Decline of Empires, and Migration

When people think of climate change, most think of rising temperatures, drought, and an increase in storms—the type of climate change Earth is undergoing now. A lot has also been written about how...
Ancient Weather Forecasting

Scientists look to ancient knowledge for seasonal forecasting

An Australian scientist is working to collate ancient methods of weather prediction in the Pacific , saying that the study could help improve contemporary forecasting tools, record important cultural...