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Ring of Brodgar

Loch of Stenness (edwin/Adobe Stock)

Revisiting The 6,000-Year-Old Submerged North Doggerland Culture Of Tu-lay

A recent find off the northernmost coast of the British Isles, provides evidence that the extreme flooding that occurred in ancient times on a worldwide scale, also affected this region...
Three standing stones of the ancient and mysterious Ring of Brodgar (Oliver / Adobe Stock)

Vandal’s Repulsive Attack On 4500-Year-Old Ring of Brodgar is a Crime Against Humanity

Built almost 5,000 years ago at the early stages of agriculture in northern Europe, Ring of Brodgar , the third largest Neolithic stone circle in Britain has fallen victim to the scourge of society...
The Ring of Brodgar (or Brogar, or Ring o' Brodgar) is a Neolithic henge and megalithic circle on the Mainland, the largest island in Orkney, Scotland.

Orcadian Genesis: The Origins of the Orkney Isles’ Unique Megalithic Culture and its Roots in Britain’s Own Lost Atlantis - Part Two

[Read Part One Here] This is a continuation on discoveries showing how the Ness Of Brodgar Excavations on the Orkney Mainland are revealing a Mesolithic past with links not only to Britain’s own Lost...
Ring of Brodgar, Orkney Islands. A Neolithic henge and stone circle.

Orcadian Genesis: The Origins of the Orkney Isles’ Unique Megalithic Culture and its Roots in Britain’s Own Lost Atlantis – Part One

The Ness Of Brodgar Excavations on the Orkney Mainland are revealing a Mesolithic past with links not only to Britain’s own Lost Atlantis, but also to Göbekli Tepe in distant Anatolia. For a decade...
Orkney 5,000-year-old temple complex

Incredible sophistication of 5,000-year-old temple complex on Orkney Island

In 2014, a groundbreaking excavation of a prehistoric temple complex on the Scottish island of Orkney revealed that the Neolithic inhabitants of the island were far more advanced than initially...
Ring of Brodgar

The Ring of Brodgar, the Neolithic Henge of Orkney Island

On the largest island of Orkney, Scotland called The Mainland, amongst the rugged cliffs and almost constant wind, there sits a Neolithic henge and stone circle known as The Ring of Brodgar. It is...