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A CGI representation of the Pool of Siloam as it once would have been. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority Screenshot

Pool of Siloam Where Jesus Healed a Blind Man To Be Fully Excavated

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has announced that the 2,700-year-old Pool of Siloam, which is believed to have been used as a ritual bath by the ancient residents of Jerusalem, will be fully...
Aerial image of the Kingdom of Judah excavation, a 2,700-year-old administrative complex in Jerusalem.        Source: Yaniv Berman / Israel Antiquities Authority

Center of Ancient Kingdom of Judah Found in Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, archaeologists have made an important discovery that is providing new insights into the biblical Kingdom of Judah . They have found what they believe is an administrative center...
Parting the Waters of the City of Jerusalem in the Siloam Tunnel of King Hezekiah

Parting the Waters of the City of Jerusalem in the Siloam Tunnel of King Hezekiah

Hezekiah's Tunnel, or Siloam Tunnel, was a part of a magnificent water system in Jerusalem. It was built during the Iron Age at the end of eight century BC, and remains one of the greatest...
One of the panels from the Lachish Reliefs depicting the Assyrian assault on Lachish.

The Siege of Lachish: History from Both the Victors and Defeated

The siege of Lachish was an event that happened in 701 BC. During this incident, the Israelite settlement of Lachish was besieged and conquered by the Assyrians. It is often said that “History is...