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The Venerable Bede and the Origins of the English ‘Nation’

The Venerable Bede and the Origins of the English ‘Nation’

How do you define a nation? Most people would probably think of a nation as being a defined geographical area governed by a political body of some sort which acts on behalf of its citizens, who are...
The Fascinating History of Medieval Castles: From Emergence to Obsoletion

The Fascinating History of Medieval Castles: From Emergence to Obsoletion

Medieval castles are one of the most iconic buildings of the Middle Ages , especially in Western Europe. During this period, the castle served generally as the residence of a king, or the lord of the...
Human remains are Durham’s earliest known resident.          Source: Durham University

University Dig Unearths Durham’s Earliest Known Resident

Archaeologists working in an English town have unearthed human remains that could date back to over 2000 years ago. It is believed they are the remains of the earliest known resident of the city of...
A skeleton of the one of the young men buried on what is now the University of Durham campus

Discovery of 17th century mass grave reveals tragic remains of child soldiers

Archaeologists say they have verified that skeletons unearthed in a mass grave in northern England were Scottish prisoners, including child soldiers as young as 13, who died after capture in a 1650...
1,800-year-old Roman god statue

Archaeology student uncovers 1,800-year-old Roman god statue

A teenage archaeology student from Durham University has uncovered an 1,800-year-old sandstone head of a possible Geordie Roman God during a dig at the Binchester Roman Fort, once the largest Roman...