A team of researchers has uncovered the bone remains of 11 individuals at the Chan Chan Archaeological Complex, dated to 800 years old. These have been located specifically at the foot of the...
In the vast expanse of the Peruvian desert, lies the remains of one of the greatest cities of human history: Chan Chan. Built over a thousand years ago, the city was once the thriving capital of the...
A perfectly preserved Peruvian Chimu culture sculpture in the form of an intriguing wooden figure, has been found at a ceremonial center near Chan Chan, Trujillo in northern Peru. Dated between 850...
Archaeologists exploring the ancient Peruvian city of Chan Chan have uncovered the skeletal remains of 25 people in one medium-sized burial site. The men, women, and children interred there would...
Archaeologists in northern Peru have unearthed a rare Chimú culture body with three sacred vessels. The Chimú culture existed from approximately 900 AD until 1470 AD and inhabited the northern coast...
The Inca civilization is one of the most notable Pre-Columbian civilizations that existed in Peru. Prior to its rapid rise to power, however, there were other prominent civilizations, which today,...
Archeologists excavating in Peru, at the largest pre-Columbian ancient site in the America’s, have saved 20 wooden statues dated to around 800-years-old from encroaching weather fronts. Culture...
Archaeologists excavating the site of the ancient city of Chan Chan in Peru have just announced the discovery of four intriguing wooden sculptures (three male and one female), and an untouched tomb...
A team of Peruvian archaeologists have discovered 32 pre-Hispanic mummies at two separate sites located between La Libertad and Lima. The burials revealed skeletal remains, jewelry, textiles, and...