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Valuable Gold Ornament Found in Early Bronze Age Burial, Germany

Valuable Gold Ornament Found in Early Bronze Age Burial, Germany

Archaeologists digging in the state of Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany recovered a most uncommon item. Inside a 3,800-year-old grave, dating to the Early Bronze Age, they found a small,...
View inside the prehistoric Tarxien Temples, Tarxien, Malta.

Tarxien Temples: This Megalithic Complex is the Height of Temple Building in Prehistoric Malta

A group of enormous megalithic structures stand tall in Tarxien, on the southeastern part of the main island of Malta. Called the Tarxien Temples, the huge structures remain as a testament to the...
Ancient ruins in the rainforest

Was the Amazon Rainforest Once Home to A Massive Lost Civilization?

There is a hill in the Amazon rainforest that stretches out over two acres of land. It is called Montegrande and, to look at it, it seems like nothing more than another hill. A particularly steep one...

Healing Energies of Stonehenge

Stonehenge has stood upon Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire as a silent testimony to a past civilisation long forgotten. Archaeologists believe they have determined when the gigantic stone circle was...