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gold coins

Author searching for the Jacobite Gold in 2015. Source: Author provided

Bonnie Prince Charlie's Lost Gold: Treachery and Skullduggery in the Scottish Highlands

Although only one leather bag of gold coins has ever been recovered, no other treasure in Scottish history has inspired such controversy as the lost Jacobite Gold. The story begins in 1745 when...
Celtic gold coins stolen during museum heist in Germany from the Celtic Museum in Manching. Source: Alex / CC BY-SA 2.0

Disastrous German Museum Heist Scoops Gold Coins Worth Millions

In a museum heist that seems lifted straight from a movie screen, thieves made off with a collection of ancient Celtic gold coins from the Celtic and Roman Museum in the town of Manching in Bavaria...
The controversial Sponsian coin. Source: The Hunterian / University of Glasgow

‘Fake’ Gold Coins Prove Roman Emperor Sponsian Was Real

For many years, a hoard of Roman coins uncovered in Transylvania in 1713 were thought to be forgeries, with the ancient coinage displaying the name of an apparently “lost” emperor known as Sponsian...
Gold Coin Hoard in Israel Tells the Violent Story of Muslim Conquest

Gold Coin Hoard in Israel Tells the Violent Story of Muslim Conquest

Stashed in a wall in Israel around the time of the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem 1,400 years ago, this gold coin hoard was minted during one of the bloodiest and paradigm changing periods of history...
Volcano-blasted Herculaneum Roman Soldier Tells His Ancient Secrets

Volcano-blasted Herculaneum Roman Soldier Tells His Ancient Secrets

Archaeologists in Italy are studying the remains of a Roman soldier who was thrust face-first into the sand at Herculaneum when Mount Vesuvius erupted on October 24th 79 AD. The presence of this...
Teenage volunteers taking part in a summer holiday excavation discovered an impressive hoard of rare 24-carat gold coins in Israel dating back to around 1,100 years ago. Source: Yoli Schwartz / Israel Antiquities Authority

Teenagers Find Hoard of Islamic Gold Coins in Israel

A couple of teenagers volunteering on an archaeological site have uncovered a treasure trove of gold coins in Israel . The cache of 24-carat gold coins is said to date back over a thousand years. It...