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Devetashka – Bulgarian Cave

Devetashka - the Bulgarian Cave with 70,000 Years of Human Habitation

Devetashka cave is an enormous cave in Bulgaria, which has provided shelter for groups of humans since the late Paleolithic era, and continuously for tens of thousands of years since then. Now...
The discovery that a collection of shells were threaded onto 120,000-year-old strings, at a cave in Israel is an important discovery which advances our understanding of human evolution. Source: Bar-Yosef Mayer et al/Plos One/PA Wire

Evidence of 120,000-Year-Old String Discovered in Israeli Cave

A team of archaeologists excavating a cave in Israel have made the incredible discovery of a collection of shells that were once threaded onto strings and worn by humans as beads 120,000 years ago...
The cave under Teotihuacan’s Pyramid of the Moon helps explain the urban planning of this famous site. Source: Leonid Andronov /Adobe Stock

Natural Cave Helps Explain Teotihuacan’s Pyramid of the Moon

Archaeologists in Mexico City have answered a long outstanding question by having identified the purpose behind a natural cave beneath Teotihuacan’s Pyramid of the Moon. Covering an area of 8895...
The Dead Sea Scroll fragments, which originally were believed to be blank, but now new research has revealed ancient writing.           Source: University of Manchester

‘Blank’ Dead Sea Scroll Fragments Reveal Hidden Message

A team of experts have made an important discovery about some Dead Sea Scroll fragments in the United Kingdom. They have found letters on four fragments that were believed to be ‘blanks’. This...
Scientists have found the earliest direct evidence for Upper Paleolithic humans in Europe in a Bulgarian cave. Source: Gorodenkoff /Adobe Stock

Earliest Upper Paleolithic Humans in Europe Discovered!

When did modern humans reach the lands we now call Europe? When did those Late Stone Age humans replace the Neanderthals as the dominant hominins of the region? The answers to these questions about...
Octavio del Rio recording one of the bonfires in the Yucatan cenote, Aktun Ha. 	Source: Krzysztof Starnawski / INAH

Ancient Fires In Yucatán Cenote Dated To 10,000 Years Ago

The oldest charcoal remains ever discovered in Mexico have been found submerged in a Yucatán Peninsula cenote. New archaeological evidence from burnt charcoal samples has determined the earliest...
The Paleolithic rock art of the mammoth discovered at Baga-Oygur III in early 2000s. Source: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS / Siberian Times

15,000-Year-Old Paleolithic Rock Art Gallery Identified On Russian Border

Paleolithic rock art found in Siberia and Mongolia is some 7,000 years older than previously thought, with ancient artists using the same artistic style in both locations. Scientists have closely...
The cave where the rock art was discovered. Inset: One of the sections of rock carvings. Photos courtesy of Ministry of Antiquities

Ancient Cave Found in Egypt with Unique Predynastic Rock Carvings

In Egypt, archaeologists from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have found a mysterious and diverse collection of rock art. They were located deep in a cave in the Sinai and are not like...
Stone balls, aka petrospheres were found at Qesem cave, Israel.        Source: Assaf et al 2020

Mystery of Stone Balls at ‘Magic’ Qesem Cave Finally Solved

Petrospheres, or spheroids, are two archaeological names for any man-made spherical object made from stone. These mostly prehistoric artifacts have been found intricately carved and painted,...
Working tables of palaeontologists in a science museum, Spain.        Source: Joaquin Corbalan / Adobe Stock

A Site of Archaeological Treasure and Murder at Atapuerca, Spain

The Atapuerca archaeological site is one of the most important in Europe, if not the world as it has provided a great many relics and remains related to some of the earliest hominids yet found...
Left: The small cave is full of intricate engravings, initials and other markings, revealing insights into medieval religion. Right: Archaeologists investigating the cave, which could only be reached by abseiling.            Source: Archaeology South East

UK Landslide Unveils Cave Shrine Steeped in Medieval Religion

Railway engineers in Britain have made a remarkable discovery, uncovering a cave that may have been used as a shrine or hermitage in the Middle Ages . The cavern was uncovered after a landslide by...
Ostrog Monastery in the rocks, Montenegro              Source: flu4022 / Adobe Stock

Why Ostrog Monastery is a Shining Beacon for Pilgrims

The small republic of Montenegro has a rich and fascinating history with many astounding historic sites that date back to the Classical period. Perhaps the most famous site in all of Montenegro is...
The pocket-sized Ice Age artwork with an eye-like sunburst resembles a simple drawing of a sun. Source: Andrew Thomson, Author provided

Tiny Ice Age Art from Indonesia Confirms Humanity’s Creative Drive

By Michelle Langley , Adam Brumm , Adhi Oktaviana & Basran Burhan / The Conversation Archaeologists have unearthed two miniature stone engravings in Indonesia. These depict an anoa (dwarf buffalo...
An iron currency ring and human skull found in the rare cave burial in Gabon, Africa. Source: NOT Engineers

Rare Cave Burial Might Resolve Africa’s Black Death Mystery

A team led by a geo-archaeologist and a speleologist have discovered a rare cave burial in Africa containing 30 skeletons, drilled cats’ teeth, and iron artifacts. The 14th-century underground burial...
Aerial view of Funafuti atoll and the airstrip the airport in Vaiaku       Source: Dmitry/ Adobe Stock)

Could Tuvalu’s History Stretch Back 8000 Years?

Tuvalu is a small independent nation in the Pacific. This group of islands is one of the most remote in the world and its population is one of the most isolated. Despite this, the islands have a long...
Ghar Dalam – Malta’s Unexplained Cave of Bones

Ghar Dalam – Malta’s Unexplained Cave of Bones

2000 years before the Pyramids and Stonehenge , we have evidence of man’s presence in the ‘Cave of Darkness’ – Ghar Dalam on the Mediterranean island of Malta . This remarkable cave provides evidence...
The Aboriginal rock art of Uluru that has been damaged, with stains of a dark fluid that can clearly be seen.    Source: Emma Haskin / ABC

Greasy Scumbags Vandalize Sacred Uluru’s Ancient Aboriginal Rock Art

Uluru, or Ayers Rock , is the massive natural sandstone monolith standing at the sacred heart of Australia’s Northern Territory’s ‘Red Centre’ and after years of abuse, now, ancient Aboriginal rock...
Divers exploring the underwater caves where the amphorae were found. (SONARS / Facebook)

Hundreds of Roman Wine Amphorae Found in Underwater Cave

Marine archaeologists have made an amazing discovery in an underwater cave in the Spanish Balearic Islands . They found a large number of amphorae in the cave, which were apparently deliberately...
The bones of 72 Guanche people were found in a hard to reach cave-tomb in the Canary Islands

Dozens of Mummies and Skeletons Found in Canary Islands Cave Tomb

An 8th to 10th century grave containing 72 pre-Hispanic 'Guanche' natives has been discovered on Gran Canaria. In June last year an amateur archaeologist from the group 'El Legado’ flew a drone over...
The entrance of Eisriesenwelt Cave

Eisriesenwelt Cave, Home of the Legendary Ice Giants

The Austrian Alps are renowned for their beauty and of course for winter sports, such as skiing. There are also a number of important caves in the county and perhaps the most well-known of these is...
Paleolithic rock art found on walls of Font Major Cave near L'Espluga de Francolí        Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

15000-Year-Old Rock Art ‘Sanctuary’ Uncovered in Spanish Cave

In the autonomous region of Catalonia, Spain , archaeologists have uncovered a treasure trove of prehistoric rock art that is around 15,000 years old. The engravings were found on cave walls during a...
Main: view of the Els Trocs cave entrance in the Spanish Pyrenees located on the southern slope of a karst hill on the high plateau of Selvaplana; seen from the pass of the Puerto de las Aras. Source: H. Arcusa Magallón / Scientific Reports. Inset: Images of part of the skeletons damaged by blunt objects/arrows during the massacre. Source: T. Schuerch / G. Schulz / Scientific Reports

Truth of 7300-Year-Old Violence Uncovered in the Spanish Pyrenees

An examination of human remains found in a cave in the Spanish Pyrenees, that date to almost 7300 years ago has provided proof of the brutality of life in the Stone Age . It is believed that the...
Tunnel within ancient Pompeii’s drains system with archaeologist inside.       Source: Archaeological Park of Pompeii

Ancient Pompeii’s Drains Back In Use After 2300 Years

A 2,300-year-old drainage system carved into bedrock beneath Pompeii will be used again to divert increasing rainwater into the sea. Mount Vesuvius on the west coast of Italy is the only active...
Right: Divers discovered the ancient woman's remains in the Chan Hol cenote cave, near Tulum, Mexico. Left: Pieces of skeleton put together.  Source: Eugenio Acevez & Jerónimo Avilés Olguín / Heidelberg University

9,900-Year-Old Skeleton Found in Mexican Cenote Rewrites History

9,900-year-old human skeleton found in a Mexican underwater cenote cave illustrates the complexity of the first settlers in the Americas. New research published yesterday in the journal PLOS One...
