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Left; Dr Frederica Gigante examining the Verona astrolabe, Right; The Verona Astrolabe. Source: F. Gigante/University of Cambridge

The Verona Astrolabe Reveals A History of Islamic – Jewish Scientific Exchange

Tom Almeroth-Williams /University of Cambridge The identification of an eleventh century Islamic astrolabe bearing both Arabic and Hebrew inscriptions makes it one of the oldest examples ever...
A volvelle from a 14th century English manuscript is on display at the J. Paul Getty Museum. 	Source: The J. Paul Getty Museum/Getty

The Volvelle: The Medieval Equivalent of a Smartphone App?

Did you know that the ancestor of smartphone apps can be traced back to the Middle Ages? The volvelle, a paper-based interactive device, had a multifaceted role during its historical use. It...
Astrolabe tile fragments recovered at Lambsar castle. Source: ILNA / Tehran Times

Astrolabe Tile Fragments Recovered from the Lambsar Castle of the Hashshasins

Lambsar Castle, representing the gargantuan castle in the popular ‘Assassin’s Creed’ franchise, has yielded stunning astrolabe tile fragments during excavations. Located in the Central Alburz...
The 16th century astrolabe recovered from Bay of Biscay in Galicia, Spain. Source: La Voz de Galicia

Spanish Divers Discover the World’s 108th Ancient Astrolabe

In 2012, a team of divers in Spain discovered two 16th century cannons, and that was huge news. But nobody could have dreamed that an ancient astronomical compass, known as an astrolabe, would...
The World’s oldest astrolabe was found in the wreck of the Esmeralda in the Indian Ocean. Loss of Esmeralda as per Livro das Armadas.

Record Breaking Finds From Portuguese Shipwreck Confirmed by Guinness Book of Records [World’s Oldest Finds]

Experts from the Guinness Book of Records have confirmed a find to be the world’s oldest mariner’s astrolabe, a navigation device used by seamen in the past. The instrument, known as the Sodré...
Medieval stargazers. People have been fascinated by the stars and their possible influence over our lives, long before and after the time of Babylonian astrology.

Babylonian Astrology: How Mesopotamian Priests Influenced Your Horoscope

Mankind has always looked up to the sky and wondered at its beauty and secrets. Human beings are also incredibly good at spotting patterns, so it is no wonder that we noticed the changing appearance...