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Colorful Whirling Dervish Dance

The Whirling Dervish Dance: A Sacred Ritual to Touch the Divine

The divine may be experienced through a variety of means. In various global spiritual traditions, these include prayer, meditation on sacred texts, participation in religious ceremonies, and going on...
A dancers curse has been revealed on a Byzantine tablet.                  Source: par /Adobe Stock

Mysterious 1500-year-old Tablet Deciphered as Dancer’s Curse

An academic has finally deciphered the mysterious writings on a lead tablet after 70 years. They were shown to be a curse aimed at a dancer. The curse-tablet dates from the Byzantine era and is...
The skeleton was found in an unusual position in his grave in the Russian Far East.

Tied Up in His Grave, The Strange 'Dancing Skeleton' of Ust-Ivanovka

By: Olga Gertcyk A Dark Ages man aged around 30 years old was found in a medieval graveyard for unusually old people in the Russian Far East. “We were struck by his unusual position,” said the...