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  • Reply to: Marcahuasi: Vestiges of a Forgotten Global Civilization, or Just Weird Rocks in Peru?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: nicaresearcher

    For years, I have been a huge supporter of the theories of ancient advanced civilizations on our planet, and I firmly believe that they did exist. But really, I simply do not see the the weathered rocks at Marcahuasi being anything more than the simple effects of time and the elements. In this case, it seems that the old companion of the human mind, Pareidolia is at work, and that the figures in the rocks are nothing more than a misinterpretation by the mind of the viewer.

  • Reply to: Descendants of Indus Valley Builder Tribe May Soon Disappear, Taking Secret Knowledge with Them   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: TTM

    Do not publish such unhistorical accounts put forward by the leftist and maoist of India. If you do, your credibility will be at stake.

  • Reply to: The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: nicaresearcher

    I have folowed this mans career for many years, and frankly, I must agree with the previous comments. In all of the time that I have seen his statements, comments and interviews, I have developed a very strong distaste for this man, and his attitude. He has been proven time after time to be a fraud, a liar, and a sexist, as well as, in all probability, a criminal who has stolen and sold priceless antiquities.

    He is not only a detriment to the field of Egyptian Archeology, but to the entire field of Archaeology itself. It is a well known fact that if you, as an archaelogist, disagree with him, he can, and will have your passport revoked. Yes, he is a thug, and an arrogant one at that, and in my opinion, should be brought to trial, just as any other common criminal would be, stripped of his academic credentials, and given whatever punishment the the Egyptian system of justice deems appropriate.

  • Reply to: The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Bob H

    I'm not much of one for conspiracy theories, but over the years I've been puzzled as to why Mr Hawass actively obstructs or prevents the research of others, and why the powers that be in Egypt haven't put him out to pasture.

  • Reply to: The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up: Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Rene

    Zahi Hawass is the reason why archaeology and historical contextual understanding doesn't advance one iota. He's a selfish bullheaded prig who will not listen anyone else's opinions, and he also steals the thunder of other archaeologists in the field whenever they make a significant discovery - as he will rush in, get in front of the cameras and issue his narratives on it - never allowing the team responsible for the findings to gain full recognition. Hawass also abuses other archaeologists by threatening to have them thrown out out of Egypt and their Passports revoked if they won't go along with his opinions...he's also a notorious sexist and insults and diminishes women studying there. There's also well founded claims that's he's stolen artifacts and sells them on the black market to profit himself. In my view - he should be BANNED from the field of Egyptian Archaeology for the rest of his life. He's menace , a liar, a thief, and a thug!

  • Reply to: The Sunghir Burial Site: Were these Two Children Sacrificed in a Form of Prehistoric Scapegoating?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: frances

    Thank you for your article, just a few thoughts to the contrary on the scapegoat possibility. Lovely outfits, toys, outfitted for the out of doors, my guess is they either died together from a swift illness or they were sent to be servants of the gods during a period of drought.
    Scapegoats don't get clothes that took time to make, have grave goods that display affections such as toys and why would you give an ornate burial to scapegoats?
    Thank you again.

  • Reply to: The Steam-Powered Pigeon of Archytas – The Flying Machine of Antiquity   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Nick D

    Interesting story. This is the first meaningful attempt to explore aerodynamics. It looks like the purpose may not have been for pure scientific curiosity, but rather to gain a military advantage, increased range over an arrow. The inventor was a very general (reappointed many times because he won battles for the state). None the less it is interesting and this method is used to this day, catapults are used to accelerate fighters to a take-off speed in the limited length on an aircraft carrier, kids learn of rocketry using pressurised coke bottles.
    Those interest in ancient flight, should look at the flying monk (circa 1000AD) Eilmer of Malmesbury, a Turk accredited with a much better controlled flight 400 years before this in Spain, but there are no substantial records to confirm this. The Chinese had rockets around this time and the first propeller (spinning top – kids toy). There are also accounts of adepts (masters of simplicity) that flew and there is a remarkable passage of how to build a glider. The emperors were trying to learn how to do it, using man lifting kites (prisoners were test pilots, most did not survive). SO there may be some truth in the legion of Daedalus and Icarus (a tale also informing of the danger of invention, the world is better off without some things). I just wonder if they did get a basic glider flying. They had the materials to do it. They imported flax (linen), from Egypt, they had the best weaves in the world producing fine cloth, actually Aero linen was used for the first aircraft, the wax would have been to seal the cloth. Beams at the leading and trailing edge and stabilisers at the back and off you go from the side of a hill. This is what the Chinese describe, Jujube is basically balsa wood. The dragons, oxen, snakes could be referring to planform areas (likely) or kite types, they are not likely to be literally skins. Humans have been wanting to fly for a long time. Just imagine what a population would think of those that could, Gods. By the way, Daedalus is unlikely to refer to one person, he just invented too much stuff, it is more likely to be a Minoan rank, the equivalent of chief engineer, that built buildings, produced fine art pieces, developed technology and engineering methods (metallurgy, ships, chariots etc).
    Interestingly the tail of Talos, might be based on an actual technology (not dissimilar to the steam powered projectile described) that could not be explained by the Greeks. There is a weird casting of a large (5m length) cylinder with operators on it. No-one knows what it is, it looks like a huge boiler, the Minoans had hot water going to palace buildings as well as underfoot heating, aqueducts and sewers and water pipes. I just wonder if they had steam (the device is sealed and appears to have controls), if so they could have used it for a piston to hurl rocks at approaching ships (possibly further than a catapult), which is described in quite a few stories. Daedalus is accredited with automatons (basic robots), but these are more likely to be moving statues, but he is accredited as the maker of an automatic remotely controlled door that opened using a fire (badly explained, this suggest steam and valves, a fire alone will not do it). Historians simply didn’t have the language to explain technology. The greek mythology is actually focused around the Islands, controlled by the Minoans and I suspect they had an asymmetric trading network, they didn’t let ships with the wrong flag enter their ports, they didn’t need heavy fortification for their palaces either, it suggests they could intercept any vessel or fleet before it reached their ports and the mythology suggests they launched bolts at approaching ships using machines, to keep them away and maintain their own trading advantage, hub with access to all the worlds useful commodities. Zeus/Athena(in particular) had thunder bolts, now where was Zeus born and where did he die – yes he did die, there was a grave, he was just a leader, but if you had this power maybe you would be perceived as a god by other nations, the Minoans didn’t treat him as one, just a respected leader). Talos circling Crete three times a day, could actually mean that the entire island was protected and was under the control of the three main centres (east – sun rise (venus), west sunset and moon goddess (mistress of animals – Athena type) and centre Knossos mother goddess (Hera) and the priestess keeping an eye on all the shipping lanes! The snakes are probably referring to the Draco and pole star, it looks like they understood a lot about the celestial bodies, time and seasons (they had an advanced calendar probably learned from the Babylonians based on humanising the sun and moon cycles). The snake Draco rotates around the earths axis, handy if you need to navigate. The iconography and artefacts support this. The peak sanctuaries are all at elevated positions with great visibility over the oceans. A double axes can signal over significant distance to the operators of catapults to lay down fire and direct ships to intercept. A hand mirror can be seen from about 50kms for example (the axe surface is much larger and substantially flats, this distance is enough to signal another island that also had peak sanctuaries, these could explain how they ruled the seas and directed the navy), 200m elevation (many of the peak sanctuaries are higher) gives you about this range to the horizon. The double axe is misunderstood, it can be used for both signalling and measurement of angles (including navigation) – they all have incremented marks on them, they were studying the stars and looking after their coastal approaches as well, these were mass produced items, there are even portable ones with eyelets at the end, they are made from gold, silver and copper, all highly reflective, attach a string, spin, it reflects the sunlight and casts a shadow. Mark the length throughout the day, at the shortest length, this is mid day 12.00 exactly. The shadow cast points directly North, the length tells you your latitude, the larger axes may use a month offset to take account of the earth axis but I don’t fully understand this yet. Now how big was their trade network, Egypt, Asia, to the pillars of Hercules and beyond, even up to Spain and the Cornwall to get tin (there are graves in Scottish border (trade route to the highlands and islands) with stone covered in axes – to cast on the inside and linear a found at a Scandinavian silver mine), you need to be able to navigate to do this distance! The only other tin is in Afghanistan, even further and yes they also traded with them too, they crafted Lapis Lazuli that only comes from this part of the world, they controlled all the key commodities, processed them into even higher value items, weapons, the finest cloth, the most beautiful furniture, jewellery and art and exported this to those with other commodities they needed. If you look at the art, the double axes are shown in the context of so called bull horns of consecration, duh, the bulls horns are regularly positioned on the buildings which all cast a shadow to an axe in the court yard, count the horns shadows to the axe, you know the time of day. Thats my take anyway for debate. Sorry a bit wordy, going a bit of topic and got carried away, I work on flight/propulsion systems, solar power and like my technology, ancient or modern.

  • Reply to: True Remains of the Saint Behind the Santa Myth Believed Found in Turkey   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Ab R.C. Dabra

    "...Antalya’s tourism will gain big momentum. ..."
    LOL! That says it all. Everything for the tourist buck!
    Some time ago the Turks asked Bari to return the bones of 'Santa' to Demre, because Antalya's tourism would gain big momentum.
    But Bari refused. And now, suddenly, the Turks found 'the real remains of St. Nicholas' Yeah right!
    Christians who think of visiting the grave of St. Nicholas should know that most of the churches in Turkey are destroyed by muslim Turks. Only those who create big momentum for tourism are kept...

  • Reply to: 10 Historic Reasons Catalonia is Fighting for Independence from Spain   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Cousin_Jack

    Sounds familiar, Celtic groups are paying this close attention and support the referendum.

  • Reply to: Preserved in Legends and Ice: What Led to the Extinction of the Dorset Culture?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Bruce N

    Native American cultures in the Northern US talk about pale skinned giants. Could these peoples be part of the same culture?

  • Reply to: Bearded Gods of the Americas Were Jesus Resurrected?! Maybe. But Why is the Plumed Serpent Ubiquitous?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Maxei DeVraie

    The legend of the eagle and the serpent:
    in the past, the eagle was said (or interpreted) as devouring a snake. Therefore, the snake should have been dead already.
    However, the modern representations, such as in the mexican coat of arms, show a defiant snake, ALIVE, with the clear intention of about to strike at the head of the eagle. This is wrong: it shows that the evil, represented by the snake (and resurrected by the masons, those who betrayed the King of Spain and who took the power) is strong and possibly could come victorious over the eagle, which normally represents the good.
    Even if you do not believe it, you should be aware of the occult symbolisms that are present in emblems, coat of arms, flags, and signs, of people, places, countries, companies, etc.; all of them have all a meaning, most of the time an occult meaning, which is really luciferian, satanist and anti-Christian.

  • Reply to: 10 Historic Reasons Catalonia is Fighting for Independence from Spain   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: ancient-origins

    Thank you for your comments. If you wish to point out any incorrect facts, rather than simply anti-independence biases, then please feel free to do so and we will happily correct any wrong information.

  • Reply to: 10 Historic Reasons Catalonia is Fighting for Independence from Spain   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Catalan

    I'm Catalan and I must say that I'm frankly frustrated and dissapointed by all the lies and half truth written in this article.

    Almost every point is false, and rest only tell a fraction of the truth. I was expecting more seriousness from a website that allegedly is strong in history issues.

    Please Ms April, next time do your homework and research, don't do the ugly job for the independentists thugs.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Announce that New Discoveries Solve Mystery of How the Great Pyramid Was Built   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: nicaresearcher

    So much for these so - called experts, and their 2.5 ton block. At best, the program was nothng more than a totally amateuristic attempt to justify the current beliefs regarding the building of the pyramids. This was all simply a program to show the average viewer just how much science knows about one of the greatest mysteries in archaeology, and had little to do with the real facts of the construction process.

    Moving a 2.5 ton block of rock with primitive tools has little to do with moving a 250 ton block of the same rock with those same primitive tools. Primative tools simply could not have accomplished that feat, simply due to the structural limitations of the available materials.

    The fact remains, that the pyramids were built, and they stand today as a testimony to the fact that, somewhere in the distant past, an advanced civilization played a vital part in that monumental effort. Whether that advanced civilization was terrestial or extraterrestial is up for debate, but one thing is certain; they posessed a level of technology which we have not yet achieved.

  • Reply to: A Strange Ancient Dance with Unknown Origins – How Far Back Does the Morris Dance Really Go?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Alexandru

    Yes it is as you said !
    Some time ago before the Roman Imperium period, in the time of Celtic multiple migrations Europe was much more united and commonly different than it was since the multi-culti mish-mash introduced by Roman imperium as today the multiculti of EU/EP/Bruxelles ! That time Romanian teritory population was something different than todays Turkish-Tartar-Tzigani GMO hybrid.
    Think only at manele the Turkish name for a Turanic cacophonia which ha snothing to do with the music
    If you listen to the songs and music of Michel Flately River Dance etc , you hear the music from Transilvania and Maramures.
    That Europe doesn't exist anymore !

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Announce that New Discoveries Solve Mystery of How the Great Pyramid Was Built   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Alexandru

    This article reminds me the adeventure of Asterix and Obelix , which date 50 years ago !
    That means that there is nothing new under Sun and the mistery of the construction is far to be solved !

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Announce that New Discoveries Solve Mystery of How the Great Pyramid Was Built   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Neil Macdonald

    Simple answer - in bits, then reassembled. Not possible with 250 ton granite blocks.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Announce that New Discoveries Solve Mystery of How the Great Pyramid Was Built   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Vivian Davis

    Channel 4 tells me nothing. The station's call letters are what is needed. Every TV service provider has different channel numbers.

  • Reply to: Why Is This the Only Existing Viking Age Helmet?   6 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Andreas Ost

    only found 1! odd. Petty seems an odd choice of words? translation problem?

  • Reply to: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? A Fearsome Beast in Tales Around the World   6 years 7 months ago
    Comment Author: Jacques-de-lad

    Hi, I love reading about wolves I find them to be fascinating creatures I agree with you that most myths, legends and fairytales cast the wolf as a predator an archetype representing the wild and unknown which exists beyond the safety of the campfire many tribal cultures respected the creature recent discoveries in Siberian of graves containing wolf and dog bones, in some cases hybrids dating back to when humans first domesticated them show a respect and an awareness of how useful they could be as hunters and guard dogs. In many Celtic myths and legends the wolf or werewolf was a creature which protected the tribe. Merlin was said to have a wolf companion who protected him. I think these myths speak of man's awareness of the necessity of the wolf and the necessity for man to respect the natural world and nature. We see from the introduction of the wolf back in yellowstone and how they have rebalanced the ego system there that humans understood, even in their subconscious, the necessity of the balance in nature and the wolfs role in it.
