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  • Reply to: Europeans share more language and genes with Asia than previously thought   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Warwick Lewis

    There is two features that are unique to Europeans.

    Blue eyes and blond hair.

    These features do not appear in Asain populations, they are however, seen fairly frequently in Greeks and other southern europeans.

    The admixture of darker skinned genetics most likely comes from relatively recent influences.

    Europe has seen invasive cultures coming from Africa and the middle East in the form of the Moors and the Ottomans.

  • Reply to: The Ivory Palace of King Ahab   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello Mr. DHTYW,

    It is also Possible that God may not want This Palace to be found. The Anointed Usurper Jehu His Name has been found on Ancient seals the Egpytian Pharoah Shishak that name was found in Egypt however Shishaks' name doesn't show up In the Bible till 2nd Chronicles with The Boy King Joiash.

    Look in The Scriptures God was livid with The House of Ahab and Jezebel funny thing is its true before marrying Jezebel Ahab was already sinning but, Jezebel was his Achilles Hill by Getting Ahab to Sin More.

    Once I can remember thinking how can one possibly Sin worst than the last generation before THEM? I've since come to learn that can happen. Getting back to Ahab's Palace in Samaria why in the world didn't go looking for Jezebels Palace in Jezereel? Of course I maybe right God might not want Those Palaces found oh right baal worship had 7 Veils of Worship one in particular that I'm aware of is Child Sacrifice Israel sacrificed Their First Born by passing them through the Fire. Which enraged God greatly that's why When one gets to The Book of Ezekiel God begins addressing Israel, and Judah where Judea was ruled by King David's Family God identifies them as an Rebellious PEOPLE over and over again.

    Oh that's right before I go you may recall me mentioning Enoch and the 200 Rebellious angels that came to Earth and Polluted All of Creation?

    In addition to Azazel Ningirsu temple discovered on Turkey now I know who baal is the angel Baraquiel I think that Baraquiels name somehow became a Surname through His Children example baal-Cheroith, baal-peor, Ethabaal, and maybe Chemosh unless Chemosh is the son of the angel Molech.

    Just thought I'd share this with you oh yes and great article enjoyed reading hope to read more.

  • Reply to: The Cult of Mithra: Sacred Temples, and Vedic Legends, and Ancient Armenian Understanding   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello Ms. Mkhitaryan,

    That was truly fascinating article to read on the one hand; I consider this a Blessing from God to be able to read all of these intriguing articles by Ancient Origins.

    I've began reading 2 particular Bible Books Enoch and Jubilees I'm starting to notice that a majority of these Articles including yours Ms. Mkhitaryan is giving a lot of Credit to Enoch and Jubilees.

    I've come to learn so much from various articles alike.

    Coming back to Mirtha I was making a point to study the description of him, that was given however, I noticed that the Romans carved out an image that he had two light bears' that lighted the path as he went, I also could see that the light bears resembled 2 boys who were either Mithras servants or His 2 Son's.

    A 3rd Mirthas image portrays him suffocating a donkey or a horse for some reason? The last Mirtha image shows him standing alone all by himself, I couldn't find any quivers of Arrows behind his back. The Romans said that he was an skilled Archer and yet at the same time it appears that he also made use of a Trident. Which brings me to another question just how many deities ran around with Tridents?

    When I was young and searched through our big family Bible, I always went directly to the pictures; I liked looking at the incredible miniature versions of those famous paintings in Europe that depicted Biblical Heroes and times of Infamy between The Pages of The Bible.

    One picture that I can still remember is of the angel Lucifer the son of the morning star having landed on Earth after being kicked out from Heaven after, The War He Started because He wanted The Throne of God for himself. In the picture those Angels that fought alongside Lucifer were thrown out and landed on Earth as well. What stands out to me in this picture Lucifer has a Trident in his Hand it appears that it didn't work what a shock to him.

    The description of Mirtha in Persia is different from The Romans picture perfect Mirtha in Persian present day Iran. Apparently, this Mirtha may have had the head of a Boar but a body of a Human. I admit I saw the updated version of Hell-Boy with thatvfreaky Boar head but, after reading Enoch's special passage "The Book of Giant's that idea doesn't seem so farfetched Bibilically speaking. The Bible for Me is A Book of The Impossible.

    Anyone that reads a Sacred Book whether it be that of Buddhism, or Hinduism, or even Islam just to name a few and a person accepts the Things Made Known in that Book then that Individual is saying Yes I Believe in what This Sacred Text is teaching about then You of your own Free Will is saying Yes to the Impossible, That Impossible can take place.

    In the manner after, The Bible I'm beginning my knowledge of Enoch, and Jubilees as a fledgling but, what I'm talking about is covered by Enoch and of course your probably wondering what I'm even speaking of?

    Enoch makes reference to how 200 hundred Rebellious angels labeled as The Son's of God saw The Daughter's of Man...who were led by 10 Captain's over these 200 angels including,10 Lieutenant's who left their abode in Heaven came to Earth and polluted All of God's Creation.

    So from humanity; by marrying Human Women to corrupting all thing's in nature on Earth; that had the "Breath of Life" in them, in a manner and a variety of ways one can not even imagine or would really want too.

    Going back to that boar headed god who somehow was transferred into looking like and average human with one exception he was some kind of god. I can say where The Boar side came from but, that would be a hard pill to swallow.

    Those 200, rebellious Angels are to blame for that.

    What happened the angels began experimenting with the animal's both domestic and wild life altering their appearance their physical manifestations that would cause All of Us to runaway from Them because their appearance would so terrifying.

    Look at the deities of Egypt how All but, 1 deity have the face and heads of animal's. I know the general conception is that they are something that didn't agree with their stomachs and wound up carving Anubus the Jackel god of embalming, Anukis probably his consort, Hermanubus messenger alike, Isis with wing's that quite possibly is that of falcon like wing's they were very popular birds in those days.

    Then of course their is India with the half-elephant; Half-Human body then in Sumeria Lion headed deities, Fish like deities Half-fish, Half-Human Oranus, on the other hand Dagon actively worshipped by The Philistines back in Canaan.

    The Events made known through Enoch Tells Me personally; that they did take place which means these half-animal Half-humans really walked The Earth. This is One of the reasons why The Early Christian Church Papal Rome and The Protestant Reformation Movement kicked Enoch, Jubilees, and another Bible Book Jasher that I neglected to mention These Biblical Piece scared the Living Daylights out of them and yet Papal Rome didn't mind using The Image of Satyrs and Fauna to say this is what Lucifer looks like nowadays because of Sin and that Sin is ugly looking.

    Before I go I have 2 more Being's to discuss.

    The First, a week back I checked in New to see what's been found and read about a temple that had been dug up by a team of archeologist in Turkey, which was once called Mesopotamia.

    While reading on the temple it was dedicated to the god of war and his name was Ningirsu but, then I saw its figure etched in to the temple wall (for some reason reminded me of glass windows on churches with figures of angels imprinted in the glass), I made my screen bigger to make sure that I was seeing, what I was seeing sure enough there was no mistaking the tell-tell image of a human like figure with wing's.

    Ms. Mkhitaryan Ningirsu is one of the 200 hundred Rebellious angels made mention in Enoch I don't doubt the fact that is his name I just think that's his last name his first name is Azazel.
    In Accordance to Enoch Azazel introduced War to Mankind he taught men to make weapons for War and to Commit War.

    Genesis Chapter 6 sums up Enoch's eyewitness report "Violence filled The Earth and all in Man's Heart was Evil" it was so bad on Earth that God was sorry He ever made Man.

    This is an opinion on my part so it isn't coming from The Bible at least not yet; till I find a Scripture that backs my opinion. There wasn't any killing being done on Earth after Cain murdered His brother Abel Earth's inhabitants had that harsh lesson as and example when one is murdered unjustly. Then those Angels came along and changed Earth for The Worst not The Best. So Azazel Ningirsu was worshipped as the god of war. The other reason why I know he's a fallen angel.

    Because in Heaven there are only 2 types of Angels that has wing's Cherubs and Seraphims. The Cherub's have 2 wing's some wing's resemble that of butterflies & moth's others Eagles and Falcons. So Azazel Ningirsu is an Cherub angel.

    The second point that I wish to address is the Canaan deity baal. Baals name comes up many times throughout, The Bible.

    So I've come to learn that Baal has many name's.

    Names that I would classified as first name last, such as baal, baalek, baal-Cheroith, baal-peor, and elthabaal.

    How can there be so many baals?

    The name baal comes from Another angel out of the 200,

    Baraquiel/Baal so Azazel taught war Baraquiel/baal had something to do with astrology, since he was relegated to the role as weather deity; not sure how the astrology comes' in to Play with weather.

    Interesting I do know who baals human wife was asheroth where more familiar with her Greek name Hera. So asheroth/hera was married to Baraquiel/Jupiter/ Zeus. I think that baals/asheroth children was named after their Sire Baraquiel so there was baal-Cheroith, baal-peor, an Ethabaal, Chemosh, and finally Molech. Then again Molech is probably the name of another fallen angel.

    So what I'm getting at now I know Mirtha, Azazel Ningirsu, baal and Asheroth alongside of their children baal-cheroith, baal-peor, and Ethabaal did live long ago and I believe it because The Bible Book's Enoch, Jubilees, and Jasher testified that these events took place.

    So that's all I have to say Ms. Mkhitaryan about The Mirthas Article look forward to reading more.

  • Reply to: The First Prophets: Inside The Minds Of The World’s Oldest Religious Founders   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello Mr. Jonathon,

    I got so excited by the Moses DNA on Finding your Root's; that I forgot to discuss, The Prophet Daniel. No Daniel wasn't featured on Finding your Root's just note that Daniel is a Levite and that his former residence was once Jerusalem The City of David. Daniel's testimony begins at the Height of the Babylonian Captivity or as it is known The Babylonian Exile around 605, B.C.E .

    In the case of Prophets it seems that the Outside World looking in whether through sociological or psychological how much of a Prophet's words is fact and how much of a Prophet's Word is False.

    Therefore, no need to believe in any prophet's words as Truth for The Sociologist and Psychologist looks at Prophecies from the aspect of and Logical Lens. As I said The Bible is a Book of The Impossible; Reason and logic is great, but, one tends to Miss the message if that is the only way you can visualize a Prophecy; it also comes down to Human Being's testing God and trust me that is Nothing New PEOPLE have been Testing God since Eden.

    So allow me to introduce a Prophecy from Daniel (in Hebrew Daniel means Vindication), afterwards I can show that The Prophecy in Daniel did come to fruition and because of History which is a Window in to a whole other World, and what came to pass well; I'd say repeated testing of God, is overkill.

    So the question is what was The Prophecy in Daniel? How did it all play out? The Prophecy can be found in Daniel chapter 2. Oh by the way Daniel is full of Prophecies so I'll talk about the first one.

    Throughout The Old Testament in to The New Testament a Word is spoken of in an matter-of-fact tone and that is "Covenant" A Covenant is a Promise from God but, it is also a binding agreement between to or More parties on what each party brings to the table and agrees about. There's several examples throughout the scriptures; where God establishes, "A Covenant" with PEOPLE (Adam in Hebrew means PEOPLE) The 1st Recorded Covenant was with Adam & Eve with love Dad and Mom. In this Covenant God informs them of The Redeemer Jesus who will eventually come to Save us all from Sin for with Sin comes the penalty of Death.

    The 2nd Covenant is made with Noah, with God Promising to Never Destory the World with Water and placing The Rainbow as a Sign of This Promise.

    The 3rd Covenant God made was with Abraham The Father of all 3 Western Monotheistic Faith's Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. This was the Covenant....

    Genesis Chapter 12: 2-3

    "Get out of your country,
    From your kindred
    and your father's house
    to a land I will Show You.

    I will make you a great nation; I will bless you
    and make your name great; and You Shall be a Blessing.
    I will bless those who bless You and Curse Those who Curse You. And In you all the families of The Earth shall be blessed.
    So Abraham is who Jesus The Redeemer Came From.

    So those are just 3 examples from The Bible involving God Establishing Covenant's with People.

    This very same Pattern is seen in Daniel however I'd would advise people to look at This Particular Covenant from God as a Contract to The Earth.

    Getting back to Daniel chapter 2 and The Statue.

    The Statue is described as follows....

    Head of Gold
    Chest & Arms of Silver
    The Waist of Brass (Bronze)
    Legs of Iron
    Feet of Iron and Clays
    A great Rock smashes the Statue and the wind blows the Statues dust away The Rock in the Place of the statue begins to grow, and grow till It Fills The Earth Up.

    The Head of Gold is The Babylonian Empire the 1st of The Great Empire's to rise.
    The Chest of Arms and Silver is The Medo-Persian Empire
    The Waist of Brass is Greece and of course No Surprise The Legs of Iron is Rome as in The Roman Empire but, feet of Iron and Clay represents The Decline of The Roman Empire splitting and two Powers sitting on 2 Thrones remember? There was a Western Roman Empire and a Eastern Roman Empire till both sides eventually Collapsed and became a Distant Memory during The Dark Ages.

    The meaning of The Statue is that after the fall of the last Empire which was Rome People in the future will arise and try and put the Babylonian Empire back together again they will try through War & Intermarriage but, in God's Covenant, God's Contract to The Earth They Will Not Succeed in this Endeavour.

    Just like The Prophecy with The Statue in Daniel those 3 Empires did rise why Daniel was alive to see The Second Empire Medo-Persia invade Babylon led by Cyrus the Great of the Persians and The Medes by King Darius.

    Under King Nebuchadnezzar whom God allowed to rule.
    Ruled from 605 B.C.-530 B.C. Babylon lasted 70 Week's for the Record 70 Weeks in The Bible is 70 Year's.

    In turn The Medo-Persian Empire would go on to rule from 530 B.C. to 331 B.C.

    Greece led by Alexander the Great and 3 of his General's like Ptolomey for example, would rule The World from 331 B.C. to 168 B.C.

    Last Empire Rome they would rule 168 B.C to 476 A.D. Christianity and Islam is The Rock that fills the whole Earth and everlasting Kingdom That will never be destroyed.

    Rome in the End of its dwindling power splits into two separate Powers The Western Empire followed by The Eastern Roman Empire.

    The People that arises to Attempt to Put The Babylonian Empire.

    William the Conqueror (or better William the Bloody)
    The King Henry's
    The King Louis
    The King Richard's
    The King Edward's

    The Hundred Year War and may I say this was The Biggest Try recorded.

    During the Hundred Year War between England and France over The Dispute of The Throne everyone picked Their allies to aid Them. King Richard chose Spain. King Richard married his 11 year old daughter Joan to The Prince of Spain but, then something happened no one human saw coming The Black Death killed princess Joan the King's favorite child in addition to The Black Prince of Wales.

    God's Contract in Daniel is that they will Try to but, Won't succeed in putting The Babylonian Empire back together again. Okay, so I have another example; this was by intermarriage. King Henry VIII and His Marriage to Queen Katherine of Aragon (wow another Spain Marriage) How many son's did she give birth to? None survive correct accept for Mary the Daughter.

    God is still a God of Justice what was done to Queen Katherine was most disappearing equate it with The Sin of David with Bathsheba. That is why Anne the 2nd wife's Son's didn't survive their Births either. Plus, God promoted
    Elizabeth I to sit on the Throne of ÷England.

    Let's see is there anyone else who attempted this feat?

    Napoleon Bonaparte a storm blew up right when He was attempting another Conquer.
    and those maniac's Adolph Hitler & Benito Mussolini.
    Hitler believed with The Tanks he could conquer Russia then came the freezing Snowstorm conquer is now over.

    Even now people out there are still attempting this feat and they too will fail. That comes from My Faith in God in All Thing's.

  • Reply to: Are biblical stories just retellings of ancient mythological accounts?   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Mytchology

    It's not as if the religions around Christianity and Judaism weren't doing the same thing . The cultures of the Near East were constantly repurposing the beliefs of those around them and the Greeks did the same comparing every one of the major foreign gods of other cultures to their own: Amun=Baal=Zues=Jupiter, Mercury= Odin, Artemis=Bastet, Nergal=Ninurta=Ares. Again the Greeks themselves made these connections, why? Because it helps another culture to understand their own through contextualizing the cultures main tenants and providing easy to understand comparisons

  • Reply to: The Frisians: Fierce Fighters of The North Sea Coasts   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: hcfaber

    Enjoyed reading your blog post! Informative. If you like, check my website at with more on the Frisians and their history (and hiking!). Best!

  • Reply to: Exploring the True Origins of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Guillaumé

    As snow white as the Moon and the seven visible Planets.

    This story to remember our old history goes back perhaps even thousands of years before the "Middle Ages".
    Myths (and I don't mean non truths) are stories to enable people to remember and recall.

    The Moon and the 7 visible planets were very important to our ancestors.

    St George and the Dragon is yet another story to enable remembrance.

    As with Snow White and St George they are almost universal (world wide) and not local to middle Europe.
    The Brüder Grimm tales were not written by two brothers but is a compilation of local and universal, very old stories.

  • Reply to: How Sigiriya’s Ancient Connections Question Dogmatic World History   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Freddie Levy

    Thanks for the kind words, they are much appreciated!

  • Reply to: The Cintamani Stone - A Truly Powerful Gem or a Humble Philosophy?   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Biller

    Nicolas Roerich life and travels would make an awesome movie. Same for Ernest Henry Wilson.

    PS: Powerful gem that fell from heaven? Thanos where art thou? (SCNR)

  • Reply to: Tsarverets Castle, Bulgaria: The Rise and Fall of an Empire   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Gary Manners

    Hi. Yes, thank you. The link should not have gone to Constantine the Great.

  • Reply to: How Sigiriya’s Ancient Connections Question Dogmatic World History   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: dynamo hum

    It's good to know there will continue to be dedicated intelligent researchers not subject to arecheological dogmatism. You are part of a proud company.

  • Reply to: Mystery of Stone Balls at ‘Magic’ Qesem Cave Finally Solved   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Westward Ho

      Nature spoke to archaeologist Avi Gopher ,You just have to have some humor with a archeologist named Avi Gopher.. Just can’t make that stuff up.. I dont know about stone balls the Middle East, but in the American southwest there are areas on the Colorado Plateau where thousands of stone balls from 2”-4” diameter can be seen both eroding from the sandstone formation matrix as well as large groups laying in situ,laying loose & in profusion as groups in natural drainages & scattered on top of relatively flat sandstone mesas, These spheres are now protected from collectors as they were fast depleting this natural phenomena ,As well simular sized stone spheres are found in Caverns in Mexico and Central America as well, Some of the spheres in both these  surface & sub surface locations are fused together in groups of 2 or more & these spheres have been found ocassionally in archeological contest . whether they were used used as tools, charms or gaming pieces, they are a fascinating sight to see in their natural context. 

  • Reply to: The Nephilim: Giant Offspring of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Man?   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: John Doran

    A good read is genius journalist Jim Marrs (RIP) 2013 book:
    Our Occulted History Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens>
    From ancient Sumerian clay tablets to NASA scientists. A truly fascinating read.

    His book Alien Agenda is also a good read.

    Both are well researched, referenced & indexed.
    John Doran.

  • Reply to: Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation?   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Sir Clerke

    Thanks JD! I love reading this stuff. There has to be more to us humans than what they taught us in school and that includes our origin and history.

  • Reply to: Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation?   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: John Doran

    RhNeg blood is mentioned in passing in genius journalist Jim Marrs (RIP) most interesting book:

    Our Occulted History Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?


    His previous book, one of many, is also well worth reading
    The Alien Agenda.

    Both are well researched, referenced & indexed.



  • Reply to: Amun, The Creator God Whose Supremacy Surpassed Egypt   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: David Morris

    The void, the face of the deep, the waters... it's always water

  • Reply to: History Versus Legend: In Search of Aeneas, the Trojan Refugee   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hello Mr. Petros,

    Up until last year I would have dismissed the Trojan Story all because the Illiad points to the gods interference with the war Ares/Artemis Aphrodite/Zeus for the Trojans and Hera/Athena for the Greeks.

    And of course my dismissal of The Trojan Story came from my Biblical up bringing.

    Recently, I've gone back to the drawing board so to speak, and have reacquainted myself with 3 Bible Books that Men decided to remove from The Scriptures; which are Enoch, Jubilees, and Jasher. Because of these particular Bible Books it has forced me to reexamine stories of the world I felt it never took place such as The Trojan War.

    For me where the timeline when The Trojan War took place It would have to be during The Period before The Great Flood with Noah. Genesis Chapter 6 says that the Son's of God saw the Daughters of Man (Cain's bloodline) that they were very beautiful they married these Women went in to them and begotten Great Son's and They Were Giant's in those Days warriors of aged old and Renown.

    Mr. Petros in your article you pointed out the different languages as well pinning down The Nations that quite possibly match who the People of Troy were. I'm aware through The Bible that The Sea People was 3 different Nations altogether.

    1. The Philistines (Palestine means Land of the Philistines)
    2. Sidonians/Phoenicians
    3. Tyre in Ezekiel chapter 28 God gets angry with the King of Tyre for identifying himself as the son of a sea God so promises to destroy him so bad that other Nations will be astonished by it's destruction oh and Tyre in The Bible is Turkey so perhaps this could be Troy?

    I loved to touch on a little more with Enoch and Jubilees but, that will have to be sometime later it was a good discussion look forward to reading more of your Articles Mr. Petros.


  • Reply to: A Rare Byzantine Painting of Jesus’ Face Has Been Uncovered in Israel   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Rose Groce Worthem

    Wow, thank you for the explanations, i thought they were fabulous. 

  • Reply to: The Oneiroi: Morpheus and His Brothers, Ancient Greek Dream Gods   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Mytchology

    Let's also not forget that in Greek literature Morpheus can also affect Zeus and put him to sleep showing just how powerful that Greeks and Romans probably held sleep as a force

  • Reply to: Devils or Angels? Defining the Dark Entities of Christianity’s Past   4 years 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Mytchology

    This brings in to question the various Satans of the Hebrew Bible, Apocrypha and Talmud. First you have Samael, the "venom of god" clearly an angel however he experiences lustful inclinations and according to some sources sires demons with Lilith, then you have Asmodeus from both the Talmud and the book of Tobit, who is usually depicted as lustful as well, though dangerous to be involved with, (the Talmud also depicts him as living in the middle of the wilderness), then you have Satan/the satan/Shaitan this being appears close to God though he constantly berates the worshippers of God, asking to torture Job and making claims against Jeremiah which Jeremiah rebukes.
