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  • Reply to: The Adventist Adventurer Who Claimed He Found the Ark of the Covenant   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Michael Stones

    How does anyone know what was written on the tablets? personally I think it's all bullshite, for a start according to Exodus 32:19 Moses smashed the tablets when he threw a tantrum after seeing the golden calf, so what did he do then? off to Woodies for Gorilla Glue to stick them back together I suppose

  • Reply to: Landlocked Bermuda Triangle: The Mexican Zone of Silence   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: DFoss

    I want to say, I enjoy your articles and I understand you need funding/sponsorship, but figure out those ads...Why are they almost half the page? I usually just zoom in and back up a little... but why? I don't want to see a giant foot while im trying to get into your article. Makes site admin look like amateurs.

  • Reply to: Chief Lapu-Lapu - Warrior and Hero of the Philippines   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: sad

    I know that Lapu-Lapu was Muslim, so the Philippines is for Muslims!! right?

  • Reply to: The Shroud of Turin: Jesus' Bloodstained Burial Cloth or a Fascinating Forgery?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Jamison Whitley

    The most dangerous image to this World.
    Warning - GRAPHIC
    The only way the image could be made is with the exact match of the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo.
    Let's get multi-dimensional. Also, please notice that the Lord is full of eyes. This may be how we interpret spirit in vision. If you can make the picture smaller, or just back away, more and more is revealed. Or, zoom in for specific detail on any item or symbol. Maybe you find yourself looking at his teeth. Be sure to examine.... oh, I find it necessary to remind you that you are looking at the image of, and created by the LORD! It never would or could have happened till now.

  • Reply to: Is The Iconic Dendera Zodiac of Ancient Egypt The Oldest Horoscope in the World?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Barry Sears

    Although the land masses are not recorded on this circular zodiac of the World, the ancient scientific observations are about animal dynamics globally and define the anatomical structure of the World. This records unique features of animals circling the globe, emphasising that characteristics change from the head to the feet in order. 
    This explains the connection between the anatomy of our bodies with the cycles and motion of time. It connects us to the Worlds formation and both being a physical expression of our Celestial surroundings.
    This detailed by the Egyptians as twelve main zones of the body, our bodies, correlated to the World body and connected to the Celestial body.
    The connecting zodiac band of our World is lost at the moment but is a missing link that explains many lost mysteries and true meanings. 

  • Reply to: The Forgotten Stones of Aswan Quarry, Egypt   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Barry Sears

    I have just seen another article on this site that talks about the grinding stones that were used. The scallop textures are obvious grinding marks and here is an article showing a grinding wheel. 

    The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt 

  • Reply to: Phoenicians: Creating what is now known as the Alphabet   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: PETRE

    That is the real truth about so called Greek alphabet, the real inventors of the so called Greek alphabet were Phoenicians and not so called ancient Greeks. The Phoenician princ Cadmus came and settled on Peloponnese, he was the founder and the first king of Thebes. He brought with him nothing but their own language and alphabet. After him on Peloponnese came and settle Egyptian princ Danaus, he was the founder and king of the famous city of Argos, his twin brother was Aegyptus. In Homer's Iliad, "Danaans" ("tribe of Danaus") and "Argives" commonly designate the Greek forces opposed to the Trojans. Those people are the real Hellens, because of them today,s modern country Greece is called Hellas or by Greeks Ellada, ethymology- Ellada-ella which means ¨CAME or someone who Came-The newcomers. These two princes destroyed or led to destruction of the ancient civilization of the indigenous people who lived there. Because of them, the modern Greeks encountered phenotypes aand genotypes of dark skinned people. And as you know Alexander the Macedon was not Hellen, he was Blond and true Macedonian..

  • Reply to: Phoenicians: Creating what is now known as the Alphabet   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Dr. Saul Pressman

    The origin of the alpha bet has been traced to the Nile Delta about 1850 BCE. That is the time when Jacob and his family moved there, driven by drought in Canaan. When the Israelites escaped in 1453 BCE, they took their alephbet with them, as the writings on the rocks on the Exodus route show. When they finally began the conquest of Canaan, each tribe was allotted a territory. The tribe of Dan was allotted the area then controlled by the powerful Philistines. Unable to defeat them (even with the Ark), the tribe of Dan migrated northward, all the way to Lachish in Lebanon. The Torah says they slew the inhabitants, but actually they assimilated wth them. Lachish was a city allied with Sidon, and over time, the tribes fused. That is how the Israelite alephbet came into the hands of the Sidonian Phoenicians. In later migrations, the tribesmen of Dan went to Ireland.

  • Reply to: The Disturbing True Story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Paint Bitch

    Mask Off is catchy

  • Reply to: Paradigm Shift Required? 3-Fingered Mummified Humanoid Found in Peru May Change the Story of Human Origins   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: nicaresearcher

    Hi Kara,

    Great Reply! It seems that we may share some common beliefs about the scientific community, and their rigid stance on anything which may challenge the current paradigm. As a critical thinker, I try to keep an open mind, and evaluate both sides of any claim before I make any decision, based on the evidence and the reliability of the sources of said evidence.

    After my initial comment on the article, I began to research the subject, and frankly it appears that we have here just another case of the scientific community defending it’s position (no matter how untenable), against all challengers. Clearly a non-scientific method, but one which does provide great economic benefit to the researcher.

    The lack of honesty, and close-mindedness within the scientific community is appalling, and I for one, cannot support those researchers who choose monetary gain over true science.

  • Reply to: Bizarre Discovery of Werewolf-Like Skull in a Chained Box in Bulgaria   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Luna Ronin

    You do know that Hircine is a god from a video game, right?

  • Reply to: Mystery of the Sphinx: An Ancient Message of Ethnic Diversity in Dynastic Egypt   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Ann Hazlett

    '... It appears that the ethnically diverse experiment that is the United States of America is not new after all...' I must correct this false statement. The United States is NOT the only 'ethnically diverse experiment'. We have been doing that experiment, better I might add, in Canada as well. We are only experiencing difficulties now with it due to the large number of Canadians being exposed to current erroneous American attitudes. I am hoping we can stop it's spread in Canada

  • Reply to: Paradigm Shift Required? 3-Fingered Mummified Humanoid Found in Peru May Change the Story of Human Origins   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Luis

    If i understand correctly, you believe that this is not a fraud. Well, I will tell you this. It is a fraud. Mary Jesse is not a forensic radiologist. Her specialties are in diagnosis of living people. How does that prepare you for identifying a hoax? Most likely she is a patsy and was taken advantage of. She should had at least worked on this under the supervision of a forensic anthropologist. But the ideal team would be a forensic radiologist under the supervision of a forensic anthropologist.

    Again, Mary Jesse deals with living humans. She was taken advantage of, I suspect.

    This creature has an elongated skull for a larger brain and increased intelligence yet lacks opposable thumbs. Quick Google search on this case with the word "debunk" will answer your questions.

    If I misunderstood your comment please excuse me and clarify.

  • Reply to: Almost 100 Cuneiform Clay Tablets Unearthed and Archaeologists Cannot Wait to Decipher Them   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Bruce Hubbard

    Great stuff!
    If its possible could you guys post when they have deciphered some of the tablets?

  • Reply to: Paradigm Shift Required? 3-Fingered Mummified Humanoid Found in Peru May Change the Story of Human Origins   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Kara Moore

    Yeah, let's just Piltdown this one also.

    If it is fact, then people don't want to believe the facts. If it is faked, who faked it and for what purpose? To fool the scientific community that you know would be testing it?

    People also believed Piltdown for quite a while and still defend the person responsible, even though it was a fraud. They did so in order to keep their current paradigm.

    Mary Jesse did not indicate it was a fraud when she tested it, but then again, I suppose the University of Texas turns out crackpots and fraudsters, because that's what one would have to say about her findings that goes against the paradigm.

    There comes a point when we are just going to have to start looking realistically about such findings, to close your mind because you need more testing just indicates a deep need to uphold implausible theories because mainstream academia wants you to.

    Mary Jesse would have been the first to know if it were fake, but she doesn't indicate that she thought it was. Then again, the mainstream academia was fooled by one of their own in Piltdown, even defending it today.

    Do you know just how many people on youtube still defend Piltdown? Doesn't that say something to you about the current paradigm? You have to defend what you know is a fraud in order to follow the goosestepping of modern academia, knowing that modern academia is wrong in every theory. This isn't a scientific adventure anymore, it's dollars in the pockets of those who don't care whether or not the world learns truth.

    Yes, let's wait for more testing and in a year from now you won't even hear about it anymore.

  • Reply to: David and Jonathan: A Secret Biblical Bromance?   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Kara Moore

    One should question exactly why Saul was so angry with David. We have been taught that Saul was jealous of David and his popularity, but what brought that about?

    David did not seem to particularly sad when Michal was brought back to him. To say David and Jonathan were married might be a stretch, considering that David still respected the law of Moses even if he broke it a few times. Now, we might also consider exactly why Uriah chose to sleep outside David's bedroom door even though when Uriah was home from fighting he didn't go to his wife. David saw Bathsheba and lusted after her.

    But we do have to question why David and Jonathan made a covenant vow at Mizpah, David agreeing to care for Jonathan's children and grandchildren, Mephiboseth was a grandson of Jonathan. And why did Uriah sleep outside David's bedroom, as though Uriah was infatuated with him?

    It would make sense that Saul's anger toward David was a result of an illicit relationship with Jonathan, rather than some kind of jealousy on the part of Saul. Clearly David had issues in his marriage with Michal. Why would David prefer the brother over the women?

    I don't think it has anything to do with any "Middle Eastern" tradition as it is not recorded elsewhere in the Bible as men being friends that intimately. Why would David honor the vow made to Jonathan when he didn't mention taking that good of care of his own children?

  • Reply to: Veles and Perun: The Legendary Battle of Two Slavic Gods   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Anna Khandrueva

    Thank you for this article, it was very informative and helpful in my research. I am a fiction writer working on a horror novel revolving around Veles wreaking havoc in modern times; getting the lore right is very important, and I appreciate your writing!

  • Reply to: Treasures of Mexico: The Mixtec, Aztec & Maya Codices that Survived the Conquistadors   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Madonna R Nero

    On the top codex, it looks like they are playing stringed instruments.

  • Reply to: Mystery Deepens As Study Finds Native Americans Did NOT Help to Populate Easter Island   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: walter graham

    Red heads and blue chicken eggs. The rapa nui are from New Zealand

  • Reply to: World’s Rarest Textile is Made From the Silk of One Million Spiders   6 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Andreas Ost

    that is what it says. An English speaker would have correctly (one assumes) stated that it is "the largest piece of this rare silk". Do you not have any proof readers?
