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  1. The Enigmatic Argimusco Plateau: A Glimpse into Sicily’s Distant Past

    Sicily is well known for its rich and unique history. The largest island of the Mediterranean Sea, it hides a turbulent story and hosted some very distinctive ancient cultures.

    Aleksa Vučković - 16/10/2020 - 17:54

  2. Romania’s Enigmatic Trovants: Living Rocks That Grow and Move!

    Roughly six million years ago, paleo-earthquakes created a type of geological phenomenon called trovants. They are also known as the stones of Costesti, after their most famous location in Romania, or the “living stones.” Romania’s rare trovants were formed under highly complex circumstances involving seismic shifts, sand sediment in rivers and rain, and lots of time. And the locals of Costesti, Romania consider them to be alive!

    Tracy McLoughlin - 16/06/2022 - 14:45

  3. Why Mount Sinai is in Egypt and Other Exodus Enigmas

    Historians have dedicated significant efforts to authenticating the biblical narratives of the Exodus. Despite their best efforts, the actual locations of the events described in the account remain under dispute. Curiously, Mount Sinai, the name of a mountain peak on the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, and an important pilgrimage site for Jews, Christians and Muslims to this day, may actually have nothing to do with the famed mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

    Annette Duckworth - 28/03/2023 - 22:59

  4. The Enigma of Sweden's Great Lake Beast (Video)

    ... Source: scaliger / Adobe Stock. By Robbie Mitchell The Enigma of Sweden's Great Lake Beast (Video) ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 30/06/2023 - 01:55

  5. DNA Study Unveils Machu Picchu Servants' Enigmatic Diversity

    Most ancient DNA studies focus on societal elites found in elaborate tombs. But new research on DNA gathered from the bones of servants who worked for Inca royals at Machu Picchu reveals a diverse society comprising distant genetics.

    ashley cowie - 27/07/2023 - 14:54

  6. The Enigmatic Letter of Marque: Legal Piracy Revealed (Video)

    Robbie Mitchell - 28/04/2024 - 20:55

  7. The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription

    ... The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription ...

    mrreese - 14/01/2022 - 14:00

  8. Enigmatic Symbols and Carvings in Man-Made Royston Cave

    The Royston Cave is an artificial cave in Hertfordshire, England, which contains strange carvings. It is not known who created the cave or what it was used for, but there has been much speculation. Some believe that it was used by the Knights Templar, while others believe it may have been an Augustinian store house. Another theory posits that it was a Neolithic flint mine. None of these theories have been substantiated, and the origin of Royston Cave remains a mystery.

    mrreese - 19/02/2022 - 18:12

  9. The Enigmatic Columns of Horus: Divine Tools of Energy– Part II

    The supreme being of the pharaohs’ pantheon was associated with the sun’s disk and, according to the myth, he emerged from the ocean of the Nun, carried by the goddess Mehetueret, the Celestial Cow. The Nun was the male part of the primordial ocean, existing before the world was created. Ra is often drawn in the ritual paintings characterizing the Egyptian tombs. Sometimes, he was bearer of light and power.

    Armando Mei - 10/12/2016 - 02:04

  10. Enigmatic Ancient Wheel: The 300-Million-Year-Old Wheel and Anomalous Ancient Tracks Across the World

    In 2008, a curious find was discovered down a coal mine in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. As it could not be safely or successfully cut out due to the nature of the sandstone in which it was embedded, the mysterious artifact looking much like an ancient wheel remains in situ down the mine. The following article is extracted from The Myth Of Man by J.P. Robinson.SMXL

    J.P. Robinson - 15/11/2018 - 18:24

  11. Cryptic Crosses, Mystery Medallions and Enigmatic Relics in Christian Churches

    To the naked eye, they lie hidden in plain sight, but medieval artists hid cryptic messages in fresco’s, medallions and paintings and collected relics believed to have apotropaic qualities to ward off evil.  Were all of these artists sincere in their endeavors or did some mischievous soul take revenge on a colleague or difficult client by applying artistic license to have a little fun?

    Roberto Volterri - 27/09/2019 - 16:35

  12. Egyptian Eclipse Enigmas: Wild Solar Influences in the Amarna Age

    The Amarna age of ancient Egypt lasted only twenty years, a relatively tiny slice of time, yet it irrevocably altered the course of the country’s art, religion, and language. From ~1350-1334 BC a revolutionary and exceedingly wealthy king named Akhenaten dramatically changed every element of life in his country in the pursuit of his self-proclaimed monotheistic deity, the Aten sun disk. He ordered the construction, from scratch, of a complete city in the empty desert sands of Middle Egypt.

    Jonathon Perrin - 02/09/2020 - 18:56

  13. The Mythos Of The Enigmatic Prester John

    Around 1165 AD a mysterious letter addressed to Manuel Comnenus, Emperor of Byzantium, began circulating around Europe. It was from a Prester John who claimed to “exceed in riches, virtue and power of all creatures who dwell under heaven. Seventy-two kings pay tribute to me. I am a devout Christian and everywhere protect the Christians of our empire… Our magnificence dominates the Three Indias, and extends to Farther India, where the body of St. Thomas the Apostle rests.

    davidchildress - 23/04/2021 - 20:31

  14. The Enigma Of Egyptian Sekhmet And Leonine Deities

    ... Mabinet Habu ( abrilla / Adobe Stock ) By: Nic Costa The Enigma Of Egyptian Sekhmet And Leonine Deities ...

    Nicholas Costa - 07/02/2024 - 22:40

  15. Jivaro's Macabre Mastery: The Enigmatic Shrunken Heads of Jivaro

    Headhunting is a practice that has been carried out by numerous cultures throughout the world. For instance, during the Qin Dynasty in ancient China, it is claimed that soldiers collected the heads of their dead enemies and tied them around their waists. This was intended to terrorize and demoralize their enemies.

    dhwty - 30/12/2023 - 00:00

  16. The Enigmatic Loki, A Trickster Among Gods in Norse Mythology

    The trickster god Loki is undoubtedly the most debated figure from Norse mythology to this day. Though he appears to be a scheming, mischievous deity who has no real loyalties, scholars still explore what his purpose might have been in the ancient stories. Was he merely meant to be a plot device and a foil for the AEsir, the pantheon of gods in Norse religion?

    Riley Winters - 27/05/2020 - 21:33

  17. The Enigmatic and Elusive Virgil

    Born on October 15th, 70 BC, Publius Virgilius Maro or Virgil, would be regarded as one of Rome’s greatest poets. His works, preserved in the Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid, have helped define and shape Western civilization as a whole. Despite this, very little is known of the poet.

    pkoutoupis - 04/07/2015 - 03:53

  18. Ancient Travelers or Local Artists? Who Made the Enigmatic Hemet Maze Stone?

    Near the town of Hemet in the Reinhardt canyon of southern California there is a curious petroglyph known as the Hemet maze stone. It is a figure made of interconnected rectilinear shapes that form a cyclic pattern of mazes inside a square or rectangle. The overall shape vaguely resembles a swastika, a symbol used in Native American and Asian art for millennia before it became associated with the Third Reich.

    Caleb Strom - 25/11/2016 - 01:01

  19. The Enigmatic Ancient Royal Game of Ur – Will We Ever Understand It?

    The Royal Game of Ur (known also as the Game of Twenty Squares) is a board game from ancient Mesopotamia. This two-player game is one of the oldest known board games and was immensely popular in the ancient world. This is evident in the fact that different versions of the game existed in many Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilizations.

    dhwty - 21/12/2018 - 14:02

  20. Lost Aksumite Town Reveals Secrets of Enigmatic Kingdom

    Despite their prominent place in the ancient world, much of the story of the Aksumite civilization is still a mystery to archaeologists today. This partly explains why the discovery of the town of Beta Samati is so important. The vestiges of the Kingdom of Aksum are coming to light in the Yeha region of northern Ethiopia.

    Alicia McDermott - 10/12/2019 - 20:21
