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  • Reply to: Every Totem Pole Tells a Story   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Birdog

    Another great article. It seems you concentrate on north western tribes. Would like to hear about the rest of N. Americas totems. In northern Cali there are stories of bear totems. Some stories talk of bears actually coming down from the mountains and getting up on there hind legs to dance around there totems during or after ceremonies honoring them.

  • Reply to: Every Totem Pole Tells a Story   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Birdog

    Another great article. It seems you concentrate on north western tribes. Would like to hear about the rest of N. Americas totems. In northern Cali there are stories of bear totems. Some stories talk of bears actually coming down from the mountains and getting up on there hind legs to dance around there totems during or after ceremonies honoring them.

  • Reply to: The Green Children of Woolpit: Legendary Visitors from Another World   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Symra

    I am going to say this article is really well written by the author ad filled with informative stuff which I will like to pass through to my family after my<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>yosemite bus tours

  • Reply to: Historians Draw Closer to the Tomb of the Legendary King Arthur   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Jens Bentsen

    Here are two men so figured this out years ago:
    In 1976, after a chance meeting with historical researcher, Anthony Thomas 'Baram' Blackett, at the public library in Newcastle upon Tyne, the two men decided to put up many thousands of pounds of their own money to fund full-time research into the origins of King Arthur. The Arthurian stories, so popular today, came out of South-Eastern Wales into France, via the Normans, in the 12th century and this encouraged them to start their search in the same place. The search soon moved beyond Wales to include the English Midlands which had been dominated by the old Welsh Kingdoms for centuries.

    To date, Wilson and Blackett have published seven books that provide information based upon Old Welsh records that date to the 12th Century. They believe that these provide a final solution to the King Arthur story and have clearly identified the true sites of the battles of Badon (Mynydd Baedan) and Camlann.

    In 1983, Wilson and Blackett discovered what they believe to be King Arthur's memorial stone at the small ruined church of St Peter-super-Montem on Mynydd-y-Gaer in Mid-Glamorgan, which they subsequently purchased. The stone was offered to the National Museum of Wales (Amguedda Werin Cymru) for analysis, but the offer was not taken up. Subsequently it went on public display in various venues for some time. Following this, they employed the services of two archaeologists, (Professor Eric Talbot and Alan Wishart) in 1990, to lead a dig at the same place. During the excavations, which were authorised by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, several artefacts were discovered including an ancient axe, a knife and a small cross weighing two and a half pounds, that reads "Pro Anima Artorius" ("For The Soul Of Arthur"). The cross was subsequently tested by an independent metallurgical house, Bodycote PLC, and found to be made of electrum, and so certified. The cross was offered up to the National Museum of Wales for public testing, but this also was declined.Wilson and Blackett had already identified the church as an ancient historical site possibly originally dating from the first century A.D. Other major Welsh kings are buried locally.
    Here is the link:

  • Reply to: Clear Evidence of 4,000-Year-Old Trading Post Unearthed Near Abu Dhabi   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Rajesh Shrestha

    What would you say - ? when you see 32000 yrs old book written in Nepal.

    May you come and explore the facts. .

  • Reply to: This 2,800-Year-Old Stele Tells A Bible Story From A Different Point Of View   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Mamadolly

    Moses died on top of Pisgath alone after he surveyed the land the Israelities would enter, He was buried in the valley opposite of Beth Peor. Where his actual grave is - unknown or who buried him. The events in 2 King schapter 3 states The King of Moab Mesha, had to pay tribute to the King of Israel a hundred thousand lambs and a hundred thousand rams wool. He decided no and went to war and lost most of his army and they fled the battlefield with the Hebrews in pursuit , entered the land, distroyed towns, fields, all the trees, stopped up any springs of water and slaughtered all the people- men, women and children they found. The only city left was the heavily fortified city of Kir hareseth . Mesha took more soilders to try to kill the King of Edom and failed. Out of desperation- he sarcrificed his heir to the throne by throwing him into the fire on top of the wall of the city. I guess he figures he won because the opposing army withdrew (on reason is given) and left. His ecomoy ( raising sheep) would have been ruined, water sources and fodder for grazing destroyed, most of his cities, settlements and people utterly distroyed. One city left standing . Not much of a victory. Only because the Israel army left did he survive. to sacrifce another child another day.

  • Reply to: The Truth About Sex in Ancient Greece   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Allen Shaw

    It would be interesting to see if the Jewish religion was the first religion to ban the practice of homosexuality.

    What record do we have of the last acceptable practice before it became "a sin"?

  • Reply to: The First Genome Data from Ancient Egyptian Mummies: Ancient Egyptians Were Most Closely Related to Ancient Populations from the Near East   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: El Del

    It may surprise you to learn that not everything or everyone in the world is about racism.

    All over the world, including Africa, there is physical diversity among modern humans. Due to its geographical position, Egypt has a long history of its people mixing with others from other countries. It has happened through peaceful contact, as well as foreign invasions.

    You would benefit from reading more about the history of modern humans, including how they spread around the world. This would be a helpful start:

    4 FEBRUARY, 2014 - 05:58 APRILHOLLOWAY
    New research reveals back-to-Africa gene flow from Eurasia to southern African populations

  • Reply to: Did Mankind First Exit Africa 100,000 Years Ago?   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: El Del

    The skull in the photo is strange. It has a small forehead and brow ridges which make me wonder whether it is from a modern human. Could it have been from a hybrid of modern humans and another human species?

  • Reply to: Did Mankind First Exit Africa 100,000 Years Ago?   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: El Del

    From the article: The discovery of African artefacts in Crete and Brazil dating to 100 thousand years ago indicate AMH used boats to reach these areas.

    Is that a certainty? Was Crete an island then or, could sea levels have been low enough to allow modern humans to walk there? Regarding Brazil, is it not more likely that modern humans arrived there by land via North America, after crossing the Bering Strait?

  • Reply to: Excitement Mounts as New Infrared Scan in Tomb of Tutankhamun Suggests Hidden Chamber   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Derrick Brown

    I was at this tomb 3 weeks ago, I couldn't find out if the scans have been completed, but the tomb is in a terrible state, mould growing on the walls, black spots appearing, the paintings are fading now, I was told that its not worth renovating now, when the pictures have gone, that's it, they are gone forever
    One of the greatest finds ever will be lost
    I was lucky enough to get into Nefartai's tomb, its been shut since 1950, only opened for special guests, I was one of them, its going to be closed again soon, maybe forever this time, its a fantastic tomb, if you get a chance you have to go there, you wont be disappointed

  • Reply to: Giants on Record: America's Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: toni franovic

    searching info and oppinions on neolitic and eneolitic cults and temple practice

  • Reply to: Giants on Record: America's Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: toni franovic

    interested in all mentioned in this article

  • Reply to: The Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: Were Humans the First? Part 1   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Rene

    While I have no verifiable proofs, it is my belief that Earth had had at least TWO or THREE other ages of "man" who each reached a pinnacle of higher knowledge and achievements - then whether by warfare, religious revolution, disease, famine, as well as generational inbreeding, they collapsed and were slowly over time wiped from history. One of those ages of man were the immortals who lived to be 500, 900, or 1000 years old. The bible tells us that. So what were they doing then? Just lazing about trending flocks of sheep and copulating for 900 years? Hardly. What about Noah and his Arc? Some have theorized that it took as long as 20 - 25 years to build it, needing a work crew of at least 200 men, working 12 hour shifts around the clock to complete it. That does not include the staff of a 100 or so who gathered, collected, cataloged, Seeds, Clippings, Bulbs and Roots, Plants, DNA, Blood, Sperm, Eggs, Babies, Adolescent and Adult specimens of every Flora and Fauna so that once the Deluge was over and Earth was habitable once aging it could be re-seeded with life. So tell me - does that sound like the workings of low intelligence people? We couldn't do that if we had 150 years and 10,000 people working on it all. We can't even get to Mars, yet ancient man was coming and going from Earth to Spaceships and other Planets via Vimana's and Rockets as well as flying around in aircraft's. We have the stories,the rock art, the paintings and artifacts that all prove this to be true...

  • Reply to: The Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: Were Humans the First? Part 1   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Michael Stones

    I have long suspected that we as a race were here long before now, and most likely did exactly what we're doing to the planet now and it all came to a head when our "Leaders" blew us all to fluck with nuclear weapons just as they're about to do again with that maniac in the Shitehouse

  • Reply to: Reading Between the Lines: Decrypting the Scripts of the Minoans and Mycenaeans   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Luftulla Peza

    Linear A script Is left unscrambled, because it is unreadable. Linear B script is related to the Pelasgian language and was falsified by M. Ventris and J. Chadwick. They, trying to make his decoding, did not find any Greek words in this famous script, but his signs, which in some cases are alphabetic letters, were accepted as syllables. The union of these syllables they formed words that approached them with the words of the Greek language. From this discussion, they then concluded the wrong conclusion, that Linear B writing represents a dialect of Greek language. This is the foundation that keeps the Greeks today as a people of the Bronze Age in the Aegean region, but this Pelasgian foundation became Greek with the falsification of language by Ventris and Chadwick only, unfortunately supported by some scholars today.
    We discovered (L. &amp; L.Peza 2013 and later) in a clay slab with the Linear B script, found in Mikenae, the only known expression: "ZIAZI", equating to ZI ASHT ZI = MOURNING IS MOURNING", expression, which belongs to the Pelasgian language and completely the same as in today's Albanian language. Thus, with this very important discovery, we have fully verified that the Linear B writing (or Mikenea's language) constitutes a form of Pelasgian language of the Bronze age. On the other hand, this ancient Pelasgian language coincides fully with the Albanian language.
    Two years ago, we reinteracted a scribbled inscription on a granite slab in Norway, dated from 2000 to 1500 BC. The expression "SOT QA" inscription on the granite slab by Norwegian authors is reported to have been made by Cretean Minaeans, when they received silver from the mines they had opened at Kongsberg, near Oslo. The inscription has been interpreted incorrectly according to the model of Ventris and Chadwik, where each letter is taken as a syllable: SOT QA = WE TU YU PI TI = decryption is given = "soft (and) pure" . In our opinion this solution is wrong and we gave our solution: SOT QA = TODAY QA or SOT KA, in English = TODAY CRY or TODAY HAVE. Thus we came to find out that Kongsberg's inscription represents the Pelasgian language of Crete (Middle Bronze Age), which fully complies with today's Albanian language.

  • Reply to: Descending into the Underworld of Teotihuacan: Labyrinthine Tunnels and Rivers of Mercury   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Bonnie Shirley

    I am not sure of the question, why would there be a connection to Egypt? These tunnels in Teotihuacan are partly natural, and partly man made. The pyramid may have been built over the tunnel/cave purposely. Mesoamerican religions had a connection to tunnels and caves. In fact other cultures do as well, but quite a bit here in Mesoamerican history.

  • Reply to: Descending into the Underworld of Teotihuacan: Labyrinthine Tunnels and Rivers of Mercury   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Bonnie Shirley

    I agree that European descended people are invaders...but, they are here now, just work with them, stand up for indigenous rights, for protection of sacred sites, and respect of the ancient cultures of the Americas...because we, the descendants are not going anywhere...I have no interest in Europe. Instead of complaining, write the histories, do the work, protect the sites.

  • Reply to: Unique Underground City Adds New Direction to the Ancient Subterranean World of Turkey   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: hawaiiguy

    I think this type of structure was built as protection from plasma discharge when celestial bodies were being thrust about and rearranged by the cyclical events we experience over the great year (26,000 years). To build underground cities as a fortress from "man" would just be signing your death warrant. But it would be ideal to escape plasma arcs scorching the earth and penetrating ones skull and frying its electrical circuit.

  • Reply to: Evidence of Ancient Megalithic Culture in Massachusetts Revealed For the First Time   6 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: JMB

    In light of recent research establishing modern humans in tNorth America as early as 130,000 years ago, claiming that Native American groups were somehow incapable of these monuments is hubris.
