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  • Reply to: Descending into the Underworld of Teotihuacan: Labyrinthine Tunnels and Rivers of Mercury   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: nicaresearcher

    I agree that we, the decendants of the Europeans are here to stay. We are equally responsible as part of this new hybrid culture for the preservation of the history that we now share together. It is up to all of us to protect and preserve the sites and the cultures that we have today, and leave our future generations with records of those who have gone before.

    We all bear a heavy responsibility to the future of our kind, so let’s get to work. Together.

  • Reply to: Have Scientists Discovered Proof for the Lost Continent of Lemuria?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: nicaresearcher

    Frankly, Lemuria was never created as a joke or a parody of Atlantis, or anything else. In 1864, when zoologist Philip Slater proposed the name Lemuria for a hypothetical “Lost Continent”, he was quite serious. For the scientific community at that time, the land of Lemuria supplied the “missing liink” connecting the fossil records of Africa and the Middle East to those of India and Madagascar. 

    This theory held sway for quite some time, until Plate Techtonics came along, and Lemuria fell into disfavor with the academic community. Now it seems that new technology may have breathed new life into the old theory, and Mr. Slaters “Lost Continent of Lemuria” may live again...even if only in theory.

  • Reply to: Did a Native American travel with the Vikings and arrive in Iceland centuries before Columbus set sail?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Afrocentric

    There is a flaw here why is there only eighty Icelanders
    that have this but the rest doesn't you will and or would think
    the rest of them would've had the same thing. of course if this was true that the Icelanders did bring back an Amerindian woman from North America or the baby then shouldn't all
    the people from Iceland have this gene by now why is it
    only a few.

  • Reply to: Did a Native American travel with the Vikings and arrive in Iceland centuries before Columbus set sail?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Afrocentric

    I don't know they said mostly meaning this DNA
    is probably from another race like the Asians or maybe
    it was always there after all the scientific community thought
    that the Neanderthals were wiped out by the Homo Sapiens
    when in fact they interbreed with them. so Caucasians probably
    had it all this time unless they got it from some other ethnicity
    in Eurasia.

  • Reply to: The British Museum Distorts History and Denies its Racist Past   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Afrocentric

    The images you just distributed can easily be brushed aside
    I mean lets face it that's why when you compare Europe, Kemet, an Asia or Eurasia, Latin America to Sub Saharan Africa you can tell which race has and advanced civilization, culture an which race, ethnicity's doesn't. how else can you explain why they keep claiming everyone originally came from them or everybody's culture is their culture if they are just like us why don't they have the same things we do back where they came from

    hell when the European explorers discovered Sub Saharan Africa they written and said there is nothing on this continent an when they did find people either they were surprised or not surprised that the population that they found is living primitively an to this day the very same people the Europeans have discovered are no different than the ones we know today. after the European explorers left the continent they went to Asia and Latin America an guess what they found and abundance of advanced civilization an culture, but of course to the negroid race from their perspectives they think white people took ("stole") their so called civilization, culture ("oh but white people are racist towards us, and enslaved us, an oppressed us. and invaded our lands an colonized us, and took our resources") and that's how an why they live like the way they are. that didn't stop the Asian, Latin American nations from progressing. than again they already had an advanced civilization before the European explorers have arrived. and who could forget the Mongol Empire when the mongols took most of Eurasia, that did the same thing as the blacks are accusing whites for. but that didn't stop eastern Europe from continuing in fact they must be that super tenuous if they had their land taken from them so easily for all that bravado they keep claiming and saying black power. the naive, ignorant, oblivious, unbeknownst, benighted, vacuous, troglodyte's don't seem to realize why cant they replicate another civilization, culture that the white man allegedly stole an indicting white people for a crime they didn't commit because blacks whether they know it or not in reality and actuality the negroid race are genetically inept an incapable of building, reconstructing, repairing anything that they themselves have destroyed

    they didn't make iron tools, furniture if they were capable all this time than how come they cant create tools that is made out of bronze, copper, silver, steel, Titanium and has anyone here seen blacks paint their house let alone traditional houses an create clothing, furniture for themselves an why did they not bring their culture, carpenter skills, techniques with them just like the Asians, Latin Americans. Icelandics that originally came from Scandinavia brought their stuff into Iceland.

  • Reply to: The British Museum Distorts History and Denies its Racist Past   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Afrocentric

    The images you just distributed can easily be brushed aside
    I mean lets face it that's why when you compare Europe, Kemet, an Asia or Eurasia, Latin America to Sub Saharan Africa you can tell which race has and advanced civilization, culture an which race, ethnicity's doesn't. how else can you explain why they keep claiming everyone originally came from them or everybody's culture is their culture if they are just like us why don't they have the same things we do back where they came from

    hell when the European explorers discovered Sub Saharan Africa they written and said there is nothing on this continent an when they did find people either they were surprised or not surprised that the population that they found is living primitively an to this day the very same people the Europeans have discovered are no different than the ones we know today. after the European explorers left the continent they went to Asia and Latin America an guess what they found and abundance of advanced civilization an culture, but of course to the negroid race from their perspectives they think white people took ("stole") their so called civilization, culture ("oh but white people are racist towards us, and enslaved us, an oppressed us. and invaded our lands an colonized us, and took our resources") and that's how an why they live like the way they are. that didn't stop the Asian, Latin American nations from progressing. than again they already had an advanced civilization before the European explorers have arrived. and who could forget the Mongol Empire when the mongols took most of Eurasia, that did the same thing as the blacks are accusing whites for. but that didn't stop eastern Europe from continuing in fact they must be that super tenuous if they had their land taken from them so easily for all that bravado they keep claiming and saying black power. the naive, ignorant, oblivious, unbeknownst, benighted, vacuous, troglodyte's don't seem to realize why cant they replicate another civilization, culture that the white man allegedly stole an indicting white people for a crime they didn't commit because blacks whether they know it or not in reality and actuality the negroid race are genetically inept an incapable of building, reconstructing, repairing anything that they themselves have destroyed

    they didn't make iron tools, furniture if they were capable all this time than how come they cant create tools that is made out of bronze, copper, silver, steel, Titanium and has anyone here seen blacks paint their house let alone traditional houses an create clothing, furniture for themselves an why did they not bring their culture, carpenter skills, techniques with them just like the Asians, Latin Americans. Icelandics that originally came from Scandinavia brought their stuff into Iceland.

  • Reply to: Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: William Bradshaw

    Sorry Caleb but your first sentence is incorrect.

    “Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive.” 


    All people have an RH blood type, either positive or negative. If it is positive then they have the rhesus monkey gene in accordance with evolution. Those that do not have the rhesus monkey gene are RH- and proof that creation is true. Creation simply being genetically modified humans by the tetraploid humans, not aliens. RH- blood is the Holy Grail (Sangraal) and you can read the real Da Vinci Code Decrypted article here:


  • Reply to: Extinct Denisovans from Siberia Made Stunning Jewelry. Did They Also Discover Australia?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Luis

    I think it is a very intriguing puzzle of which we have only a few pieces. It is probably like the ocean, much deeper than we thought and with more life forms than we can imagine. How many hominids and civilizations have occupied the earth? Anyone's guess at this point. The earth is relatively huge and we are only scratching the surface. There's also the problem of politics in any field. The experts in the field can't wander too far away from the official narrative because it can make their sponsors look foolish. But, in the information age we live in, it is becoming harder to keep these secrets. Still, relatively few people can read between the lines like you are doing Frances. And I see what you are saying: they found "artifacts" from an earlier civilization, kept it and used it as their own. Then we find it in the same layer as their bones and think they made it. See, this kind of explanation wrecks their timelines even more. A field expert would never officially propose that explanation, even if they think it possible. Us, as laymen and women, can afford to think and say whatever we want in this comments section.

  • Reply to: East African Invasions in South America: Tracing Cultural Clues and Artifacts Left by Early Travelers   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Afrocentric

    Afrocentric Godzilla crap they said they found many skulls
    in Ecuador of Africans than prove it where are the pictures
    of them in the Museum. not to mention Africans whether
    from west or east Sub Saharan Africa an Southeast Asia
    never have the capability of making boats to sail from their
    home land to South America in fact where are the evidence
    of their boat if they were ever there to begin with you will and or would think the archaeologist in South America would have found their boat in South America another thing I want to add is the bust of the head black people have small round ears while the bust in that picture has an oval shaped ear.

  • Reply to: Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: William Bradshaw

    RH- blood is absolute proof that some humans are genetically modified. This is actually the Royal bloodline or Holy Grail. Read the entire article here:


  • Reply to: Jezebel: Slander of The Queen of Israel, Virgin of Baal, Princess of Tyre   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Ericka

    God probably never told them to do all the killing, people tend to say that afterwards to try to make themselves look good. Since this was during the time that the Israelites still had some worship of Yahweh's consort and many planted their own posts for years even after the birth of Jesus I'm pretty sure Ahab and his advisors saw Jezebel as a good choice for a spouse. The Bible is much better read with a historical point of view than an empassioned religious point of view because you lose your lessons with the religious point of view. This story just goes to show how many horrible things you can do in the name of God even changing your own country and religion. Not really what God is asking us to do if we're to live with the Golden Rule.

  • Reply to: The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus: How a Coffin Defeated the Gods   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: 2nd_arkansas

    The picture called out as "showing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem" is in fact showing his passage through Jericho on the way to Jerusalem for that is Zacchaeus, the tax collector, in the tree.

  • Reply to: The Strange Death and Afterlife of King Edmund Part 1: The Unfortunate Friendship With Ragnor Lodbrok that Led to Edmund’s Beheading   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: marishka

    Good Article....Thanks

  • Reply to: Solomon and Sheba: Were a Famous Pharaoh and Queen the Real Protagonists in this Love Story?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Alleyin

    King Tut, Tutankhamun, is believed to have been the grandson of Amenhotep III. His father is believed to have been Akhenaten, the king who was disliked because he changed the religion of Egypt. The remains of Tutankhamun's father and mother have been identified through DNA testing. KV55 contained his father's mummy. The mummy known as The Younger Lady was identified as his mother, as well as the sister of his father. Amenhotep III was the father of Akhenaten.

  • Reply to: The Vajra: An Ancient Weapon of War   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: TTM

    Vajra evolved from the horns of deer. Rigveda has a clue.

  • Reply to: In Search of King Alcinous: Who were the Legendary Phaeacians?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Bruce N

    from the perspective of the tanned skinned Mediterranean citizen, the Northern European complexion may have appeared to be Grayish in color, the farther north you travel.

    I always thought the moving islands in the Jason and the Argonauts could have been icebergs. Perhaps they are talking about NW Europe near Northern France/Britain?

  • Reply to: Ten Amazing Artifacts Reveal the Secrets of the Ancient World   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe s

    Why is so much dagger missing, specifically buried, should it not All be preserved ??? Please provide a Close up of artifact ! Hard to see intricate details.

  • Reply to: Ten Amazing Artifacts Reveal the Secrets of the Ancient World   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe s

    Since ritualy buried, why is there pc of gold missing ???
    The bottom curve must represent something, but ?

  • Reply to: “Elaborate Underworld” of Mayan Pyramids Explored by Archaeologists for the First Time   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: William Bradshaw

    The Serpent People (tetraploid humans) built these Mayan pyramids, as well as the ones in Egypt, Antartica, Anghor Wat, Mars, Ceres, etc. and the moving snake during the equinoxes are an intended effect. These structures and others like Stonhenge, Puma Punku and Gobekli Tepe are far beyond the comprehension of any diploid humans, past or present. 

    My three volume text books, Secrets of the Pink Kush, proves everything that I have stated using science, biology, genetics, mathematics of nature and ancient manuscripts including the Bible. The scientific method is applied throughout including replication.

  • Reply to: Extinct Denisovans from Siberia Made Stunning Jewelry. Did They Also Discover Australia?   6 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: frances

    The bracelet is extraordinary, is it possible that it is something they found that may originate from a far earlier period? I do feel that multiple advanced civilizations have come and gone any number of times on earth.Just a thought.
