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  1. Ireland as Atlantis – Ancient Egyptian and Greek Clues

    ... first race of civilized people, and that at one time the language and alphabet of the entire ancient world from ... are the oldest laws on Earth. The ancient Irish Gaelic language is the missing mother tongue that scholars have ... sought for centuries. To account for this missing root language, academics have invented a hypothetical mother ...

    Keystone University - 05/07/2020 - 03:13

  2. The Sacrifice of Tsali, The Cherokee Folk Hero Who Gave His Life For His People

    ... of the United States and the syllabary of the Cherokee language was invented by Sequoyah , a Cherokee silversmith ... a tablet depicting his writing system for the Cherokee language. Sequoyah was a Cherokee however he embraced the ...

    dhwty - 10/03/2019 - 14:11

  3. Nearly One Hundred 1,000-Year-Old Mysterious Manuscripts Discovered in Afghanistan

    ... designated for the temporary storage of worn-out Hebrew-language books and papers on religious topics prior to proper ...

    Natalia Klimczak - 14/06/2016 - 21:52

  4. Oval Huts, Dairy Temples and Holy Milkmen: How a Secluded Existence Produced the Idiosyncratic Toda Traditions

    ... the most isolated people in the world. Their customs and language are still considered strange to non-Toda visitors, ... the most isolated people in the world. Their customs and language are still considered strange to non-Toda visitors, ... a few Toda villages, or munds as they are called in their language, which contain the traditional grass and bamboo ...

    Caleb Strom - 04/07/2017 - 18:57

  5. Fights, Drunks, Baths, and Excuses: Clues to Daily Life in the Roman Empire Via Latin Textbooks

    ... Latin textbooks from the 2nd and 6th centuries has joined language learners of the past in discovering how to best deal ... were written to teach students about culture as well as language; therefore they offer us priceless insight into life ... She explains that many of the texts mirror modern language-learning books in providing authentic, real-life (at ...

    Alicia McDermott - 12/02/2016 - 03:49

  6. Niumatou Site: An Archaeological Preservation of Taiwan’s Lost Aborigines

    ... believes that there is in fact no true single language that gave rise to present-day Austronesian ... of plains indigenous culture, history, identity and language. It was not until the Japanese rule (1895 to 1945) ...

    Michelle Freson - 21/08/2018 - 18:45

  7. The Rise and Fall of Sumer and Akkad

    ... Sumerians, borrowing from their culture, producing a new language of their own, and creating the world’s first ... the Sumerians, starting using cuneiform to write their own language. However, it was the ascendency of the Akkadian ... BC that positioned Akkadian over Sumerian as the primary language of Mesopotamia. While Sumerian did experience a ...

    Bryan Hill - 08/05/2020 - 18:45

  8. Scholar deciphers oldest known alphabet primer, in ancient Egyptian

    ... and Latin letters. Distribution of the Phoenician language, shown in yellow; scholars think the ...

    Mark Miller - 28/10/2015 - 23:53

  9. Was Bolivia-Peru the Sunset Land of the Sumerians?

    ... was also the homeland of the Antis Indians. In the Quechua language spoken by many Indians in the area, antis means ... Antis is probably of non-Quechua origin. The Chipaya language, another Native American language spoken in the area, is different from Quechua and ...

    Clyde Winters - 24/09/2016 - 21:52

  10. In Search of the Origins of the Philistines – Part 2

    ... and be used to inscribe the later spoken Arcadocypriot language (read below). Tablet inscribed with Cypro-Minoan 2 ... the Peloponnese. As mentioned earlier, the Mycenaean Greek language was recorded with the Linear B script. The syllabary ... at the end of the Bronze Age, new dialects of the Greek language emerged which included variations of Doric, Aeolic, ...

    pkoutoupis - 19/05/2014 - 22:30

  11. The Cosmic Tales of Navajo Mythology: Portals to Evolving Worlds

    ... in the distant past, when humans and animals had a common language, there was a dark first world illuminated by fires ... to the insect people, but in an incomprehensible sign language. Therefore, the language of the gods was based on signs that were different ...

    Phoenix Vald - 16/12/2021 - 17:57

  12. Unveiling the Mystical World of the Egyptian Coffin Texts

    ... esteemed in ancient Egyptian civilization. In terms of language, the Coffin Texts exemplify the use of hieroglyphs and the progression of  written language  in ancient Egypt. Their content displays the refinement of the Egyptian language during the Middle Kingdom era and the increasing ...

    Lex Leigh - 25/04/2023 - 22:56

  13. Petroglyphs Left in Canada by Scandinavians 3,000 Years Ago?

    ... unlettered Norse the ability not only to record their own language but to produce records intelligible to their ... languages. “But the Norsemen didn’t have a written language. Proto-Tifinagh gave the unlettered Norse the ability not only to record their own language but to produce records intelligible to their ...

    ancient-origins - 22/09/2015 - 22:01

  14. Chariot of the Gods: The Legend of the Konark Sun Temple Revealed

    ... of the chariot of Surya, the Sun God. Here the language of stone surpasses the language of human. —  Rabindranath Tagore Hindu legends ...

    dhwty - 08/11/2017 - 18:52

  15. The Desperate and Distasteful Practice of Grinding Human Bones to Make Bread

    ... and is one of the best-known rhymes in the English language.  Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of an English ... , and is one of the best-known rhymes in the English language. This rhyme is uttered by the giant, whom the ... of the best-known children’s fairy tales in the English language. The tale first appeared in print in 1734, during ...

    dhwty - 20/12/2018 - 18:03

  16. Rare Inscribed Medieval Era Copper Plates Found at Srisailam Temple

    ... of 6 copper plate sets, 4 sets are written in  Sanskrit  language and Nandi-Nāgarī script, and the other 2 plates are in the  Telugu language , although they are yet to be deciphered. “All the ...

    Sahir - 15/06/2021 - 22:57

  17. Were the Anunnaki the Architects of the Towers and Tombs of the Giants of Sardinia?

    ... ( Fulvio314 / CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Then there is Sardinian language. Many words, dialects, names of mountains and rivers ... — a unique genetic heritage — suggests their language may be a remnant of a former, and now lost, ...

    Freddy Silva - 16/07/2019 - 00:30

  18. The Column of Death at Mitla, Hugged by Mesoamericans For Millennia

    The Column of Death is the name given to a pillar at the archaeological site of Mitla, in the southwestern Mexican state of Oaxaca. The column was named for a legendary ritual in which it appeared.

    dhwty - 28/08/2020 - 22:57

  19. The Avesta and Zoroastrianism: The Creation, Disappearance and Resurgence of an Ancient Text

    ... unsurprising, since the Avesta was written in a now-dead language, before being lost for almost one thousand years.  ... unsurprising, since the Avesta was written in a now-dead language, before being lost for almost one thousand years. ... and its original prayers and hymns were composed in a language which was called Avestan, now long dead. Thankfully, ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 03/10/2022 - 22:56

  20. Why We Should Ditch the Historic Term “Indian Giver” Today

    The English language is full of colloquial expressions derived from our storied past. The English language is full of colloquial expressions derived from our ... could even say that using “Indian giver” in everyday language perfectly sums up hundreds of years of harmful ...

    Cecilia Bogaard - 18/08/2023 - 22:54
